They know little boys get molested, too, right? And usually by men? So what are they doing about THAT bathroom issue? Right, nothing.
They know little boys get molested, too, right? And usually by men? So what are they doing about THAT bathroom issue? Right, nothing.
Women say practical things like “but we have stalls in and I don’t care what goes on in the next one, as long as they don’t pee on the seat.”
Cory was my RA in undergrad. I’ll likely say this again on Jez later but: he was a genuinely good guy who flirted with me in a way that was respectful and polite and has me questioning my life choices right now. Haha... ha. (But seriously, every time I see stories of him doing something cool I cringe because I know…
This is an excellent question. I’ve gathered a panel of experts on the female body to see if they can find out what exactly is going on with... all that:
I agree that Bernie would be a good choice for VP for the reasons you gave, but I think he burned that bridge a while ago. The problem is that he relied on tarnishing HRC’s character in order to mount his own campaign. It’s one thing to express disagreement with an opponent’s policy proposals/past senate votes and…
Is this really a good idea, though? I mean, a woman POTUS and VP? Won’t their cycles sync up and wreak havoc on the White House plumbing?
Because the GOP woke up this morning to the realization that it looks like Hillary Clinton will defeat Donald Trump in November's general election and they need something to energize their base after yesterday's drubbing. realize Bernie has not been vetted nationally to this day because no one thought he’d come close. You think the guy who’s asking the whole country to hand over money without a substantive detail about all of that is going to convince the public he’d win?
I’m really curious where you see Hillary Clinton as a Republican. Because here in the real world, she supports gay rights, women’s rights, addressing climate change, increasing the minimum wage, heavily regulating fracking, overturning Citizens United, gun regulation, and regulating Wall Street.
“old rich white lady. totally the candidate for older black people!”
Bernie does better because he’s not a known entity and has never once been subjected to the republican attack machine. When they finished with him, he will be unelectable. The guy took his honeymoon in the Soviet Union, praised Fidel Castro, calls for revolution and raising taxes. They will turn him into Joseph Stalin.
I’ve lost a LOT of respect for Bernie over this election season for exactly the reasons you state. Reminds me of Hillary in 2008 when she wouldn’t give up even into June, while it was abundantly clear that she wouldn’t be the nominee. BTW, I supported Obama in 2008 and 2012. and I support Hillary in 2016.
The media likes binaries. Left-right. Sanders-Clinton. Win-lose. No one likes the idea that their democracy has nuance. The only reason Americans vote is because at least it feels a little bit like a sport.
A few percentage points? LMAO. Since when is 16 points “a few”. Because there is no statistical path for Bernie to win. The all white caucus states are pretty much behind us.
Funny story: If you want to change the Dem primary to be open... Wait for it...
You actually have to care enough to register for the party you prefer and do it long enough ago that it isn’t a last-minute whim. I’m all for closed primaries. I don’t need outsider anarchists fucking up my choice for president.
So if someone wants to waste their vote on a republican and not on the candidate they actually want to win, go for it.
I mean, I understand why it is the way it is. I just think every person registered to vote should have a vote. The end.
.if there is a democrat that I want to vote for and know the only way to get to vote for them in the general is to vote for them in the primary I should be able to vote, despite not being a full time democrat.
Honestly I find it crazier than Independents think they can vote in party primaries. Do you all think we choose parties on our registrations just for funsies? What else is that process for if not to RSVP your spot for primaries and conventions?