Abortion is healthcare. Fuck the emotional arguments, fuck the religious ones. Abortion is healthcare. A woman has a right to receive that care if and when she decides.
Abortion is healthcare. Fuck the emotional arguments, fuck the religious ones. Abortion is healthcare. A woman has a right to receive that care if and when she decides.
I would be willing to bet good money that at least 95% of the people who voted for that law have never actually been in a NICU or seen a baby with anencephaly poked and prodded for days before being taken off a respirator and finally be given peace.
Wendy Davis. Kim Davis is the nasty little underbridge troll who thinks gays getting married oppresses her rights as a hetrasekshul to get divorced a bunch of times.
“It was easy for me. I first paid attention to politics and began to think about politics because of Hillary Clinton. I was in my late 20s when she, as First Lady, was working on universal healthcare. Not only was I paying attention because I thought it was such a profound and important policy, but because of the way…
WENDY!!! God I love her
Though it sounds like a trite catchphrase, it is absolutely true: when women do better, we all do better.
oh thank god, a refreshingly cool take on anything to do with Hillary Clinton
Make America dramatically wave at their burning tongues again.
Unfortunately unintended pregnancies happen even when people use contraception. And even if they didn’t, consent to sex isn’t consent to pregnancy or consent to losing one’s bodily autonomy.
So you’re saying that because it’s never worked before, that we should give up and just let men rape?
Are you fucking kidding me? She’s the one who brought it up at the debate last night.
Hillary Clinton, unprompted, was very clear about abortion rights in last night’s debate.
I think you and I have a philosophical disagreement on the nature of why some men rape women.
They care about their right to defend their house. They don’t care about your house. Your body, your sexuality, your religion; they don’t care.
Um yes, we don’t say “hey, don’t rape us maybe?” because we would like to not be raped. It’s really because the patriarchy told us to say it.
#notallmen: check.
That would work if women were actually people. These folks truly believe that the presence of sperm in a uterus means that the sperm-donator has staked a legal claim.
By refusing to ask the Democrats about abortion, our major media sources allow Republicans to continue to control the conversation.
Should probably try to reformulate the pro-choice argument in the south so that it’s less about women’s rights (which they don’t give a damn about) and try to make it sound more like property rights or gun rights (which they do care about).
Women should also avoid spaces where men are likely to be present, because men may strike at any time, especially if provoked. A man who is about to strike will raise himself into an intimidating posture and then shake the rattle on his tail in order to warn away a woman who he sees as a potential target.