
It's the PS1 version. It looks like a SNES era game but with CD quality sound, which, for some reason, still feels impressive to me even though FFVII was out about the same time

Yeah, just about at the second palace. To be honest, I couldn't take the thought of just doing another hundred-odd fights in the next dungeon. The funny thing is that these old rpg's I've been playing instead might have felt like they were interminably stuffed with cutscenes at the time, but in comparison to modern

I have given up on Persona 5 after about 16 hours. It joins Witcher 3 and Final Fantasy XV in my pile of 'broken leg' games. These are games that I kind of liked in the first few hours without being immediately grabbed by, that I'm sure I would love if I had a broken leg/flu/other non-serious illness that compelled me

I know what you mean, I don't love the feeling like I've been playing it wrong. I usually avoid all mention of gameplay/story/reviews/videos before playing a new game, but I think in this case spoiling a bit of the story would actually have improved the game for me

One summer as a child I rented Crash 3 on PS1 and Starship Troopers on VHS 3 weekends in a row from our local Blockbuster, I always associate them with eachother for that reason..

I'm 14+ hours into Persona 5, my first Persona game and I think first JRPG since the PS2 era.

Is 'The Blackcoat's Daughter' the same film that went straight to Netflix a year ago but under the name 'February'?

I'm now 3 hours in to P5, which is also my first Persona game, I'm enjoying it, but there is a LOT of explanation and clicking through text (enhanced by a fantastic 'click' sound though, so I don't mind so much). I'm intrigued enough to keep pushing through until I get to the meat of the game, so hopefully that won't

I didn't play much of Everybody's Gone To The Rapture but the location really affected me, it was like walking around inside holiday memories of my childhood, that village was so well observed and gave me so many pangs of nostalgia, it was kind of enough for me to enjoy the game without really connecting with the

I have decided to actually use my PS4 to play a modern game so I bought Persona 5 and am planning to get stuck into it on my day off today.

That Andy Daly 2 parter is, I think, the funniest podcast I've ever heard, I've listened to it 4 or 5 times now. I can't think of many other improvisers who manage to come up with such inventive nonsense (I know a lot of it is weirdly true and he probably had notes, but still) and have such good comic timing.

True! But there's a cinema next to my work and I get discount tickets, there was a screening right after I finished so I just hung around. I may well have stuck it out if I'd spent more and if it had been a well behaved audience, which it wasn't, but I just decided I'd have a nicer evening not staying, which I did.

Just left a screening with about an hour left to go, which is rare for me. I thought Gadot was charming and charismatic but it was overwhelmingly generic and I couldn't make it to the end. Could well just be superhero ennui though, it was certainly superior to BvS, and it was nice to see someone smiling in a DC film.

Spelunky things I hate in order:

I tried a free trial of PlayStation Now and yeah, it didn't really work. I was playing Demon's Souls and got killed more often than usual due to weird pauses, then after a few hours the connection dropped (not my internet connection, which is quick and has never dropped out) and I lost all progress when it restarted.

5 years in and still playing Spelunky. I finally got through it too!

I was a big collector of Radiohead import singles, eps, mp3 ephemera etc up to the Hail to the Thief era and not beyond that, although I still love the band.

It's briefly sunny in the UK so I have been listening to hooky summer punky music, particularly Ex Hex - Rips, Plumtree and Martha - Blisters in the Pit of my Heart, all of which make more sense in the sun.

Is anyone else listening to the Adam Buxton Podcast? I don't think he's well known outside of the UK, but the Adam & Joe podcast (which was mostly bits cut from their weekly London radio show) was the first podcast I had heard back in 2005 and got me slightly obsessed with having people talking through my headphones

Err, no. I occasionally enjoy the official one, when they have guests on that can talk interestingly about the game and that's about it.