
I initially read that as "Hero Cat Carries Cop to Safety".

That is not true. Excommunicated mormons are not barred from socializing with other mormons or attending mormon services.

Someone tried saying the same about Gary Busey, but he's got a more creepy vibe.

I'm morbidly curious as to what would happen if somebody wearing one of those things just happened to sneeze really hard.

I'm going to guess serious, and I'm further going to guess he got here from Kotaku.

There's a fundamental contradiction in what you're saying. You simultaneously say that white people shouldn't ask to be taught by black people (or cis people by trans people), and then say that no one cares about your background/how you grew up. That is literally what the people "asking to be taught" want to hear!

Isha, while I appreciate the focus brought on this hashtag, I think you're extremely wrong to characterize "everyday misogyny" as somehow distinct from the misogyny which fueled Rodger's machinations and eventually his killing spree.

I have a prescription for sex toys: I have what's known as Congenital Genital Syndrome (CGS). Instead of being born like a barbie doll and engaging in normal stork-based reproduction, I was born with genitals and have to reproduce in a way that makes Jesus have a sadfase =(


WTH, LeAnn?

I fuckin' love hate reading rich lady "lifestyle" blogs. LOVE IT.

This. Thank you. I want to hear from Nepali women themselves, not some white woman's account of her view of Nepali women's struggles. If you see up in previous comments, someone has already referred to the developing world as "worthless cultures", this is what this type of article perpetuates.

If Guinness or Jameson's was boycotting, then it would be a big deal. Otherwise, why the hell is Heineken even involved in a St. Patrick's Day event?