
Delightful indeed. Can't wait to see it again!

Yeah I'd love for the first fan edit of TFA to somehow cut that whole thing out. Rey and Finn get captured by freighter's tractor beam > Han and Chewie board falcon and they all meet and talk > they leave the freighter in the falcon. I feel like maybe it could be done without being too clunky.

Fair point! I'd still argue this was a little more corn-valley even than 'apology accepted,' but I'll take it.

Others have explained this here, but none of them have made me lulz at imagining super-serious mads mikkelsen saying bippity boppity boo in his heartfelt message to Saw/Jyn. Nicely done.

That's a fair point too, it would have been really easy to screw that up. But I think to Dr J's point, it's been established in all of their new canon stuff, and in TFA, that Lor San Tekka is a member/believer of the Church of the Force, which is the same religion that force-sensitive non-Jedi practice and worship at

It could have been worse, they could have left in something that looked as dumb and un-Star Wars as that rathtar scene in TFA… (the CG on those rathtars is not going to age well).

Dude, good point. He should have been on Jedha or something.

Yeah at least three times I think, but maybe more. But you're totally right, it hardly matters in the midst of possibly the best space battle in all of Star Wars.

Dude, #2. The first time it happened with Gold Leader was the only moment that I lit up with surprise and delightment at a reference like that. I literally turned to my brother who was a few seats away doing this: =U

Idk man, I feel like they were equal quality-wise, but the leia cameo was way less necessary so i kind of wish they hadn't done it, or hadn't given her a line and made it just a second shorter (because until she speaks i think it was pretty good).

It was a fucking Roger Moore Bond pun of the worst kind. I guess that fits with the new-canon comics Vader, but we've never seen him crack wise on film, and it felt… weird.

I think an AT-ACT is taken down by some X-Wings (via proton torpedos) in the movie, but you're totally right. Like, what the fuck was the blue shit being shot that just made the armored legs crumble?

Yes to Forest Whitaker. I feel like his acting choices are always like that and I don't get it.

Same (near D.C.)

Sorry I just saw this. Agree about the Whills. It's one of those things that seems a little too… Lucas/midichlorian-y or something b

I was trolling Reddit before this page opened up last night and it looks like Pablo Hidalgo confirmed that the castle is on Mustafar (but it's weird that they don't just say so on-screen like every other planet).

Yeah the original screenplay was called 'the adventures of Luke Starkiller as taken from"the journal of the Whills"' and didn't change to just Star Wars until pretty late. I want to say Peter Mayhew tweeted out a few pages this past year of the script he had with that title.

Yeah I wonder what the canon explanation for Vader immediately transitioning from unstoppable killing machine to old guy in cumbersome suit in a few days is.

Also if anyone rewatches over the weekend, I heard a really familiar voice over the PA at the rebel base on Yavin 4 near the beginning of the film, but I didn't write it down and completely forgot by the end. Could be nothing but it felt like an easter egg / very minor voice cameo to me. Did anyone else notice this?

Guys, I keep seeing references to 'Across the Stars' being used during Jyn and Cassian's death scene: I finally listened to the score to make sure, and it's not (and why would it be? Anakin and Padme's ~love theme~, the music that symbolizes the weakness of the saga's main character, which will lead to his turn to the