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Counterpoint: Dramond Green’s pass was technically more of a “football” pass and is more aesthetically pleasing. At the NBA awards this should win Assist of the Year.

Which rerun of ‘It’s Always Sunny’ did you watch?

For all intensive porpoises he won’t be facing the Dolphins twice a year.

If it doesn’t work out then it could be more like Coy and Vance.

It’s not official until Marchman spits in his palm and shakes hands with the ghost of Don King.

Doesn’t he have a country to run?

Of course he has, but how do you explain the Patriot’s fans.

Ties are great.

God, I hope there’s a tape. Please let there be a tape.

The same way I lived - watching porn on the toilet.

She needs to study up on the female prison movie genre to see what it’s really going to be like.

This could get Ugg-ly.

She should have told the judge:

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His system is, in simple terms, meant to reveal which players really want it and which players don’t

Andre Igoudala—whose most recent attempts at LeBron Stopping resulted in James almost winning the Finals MVP award despite losing the series,

Worst episode of Prison Break ever! and that’s saying something.

Can ESPN’s photoshop experts help me to picture what he looks like when he’s having sex with his wife?

However the only kind of currency you can use to buy them is wooden nickels and blank slugs.