
The 5th Circuit is a radical, right-leaning mess of crazy.

Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers

Wendy's gonna win, Wendy's gonna win,

Yeah, that piece by Betsy Karasik in the Post was cringe-worthy. Unsure what redeeming value the editor found to justify running it.

I hate these people. Hate them.

Next act: Lawsuit to block the bill.

This is the most retarded theory I've ever heard. Da mens! Da mens! Pfffft.

Men will always consider women to be "other" and "mysterious", because the female brain is more complex:

+1 Unmitigated Positive Outcome

" ... operate in Wichita since Roeder was shot"

Noted! Thank yooo.

I want to hang out in the Pacific NW for a vacation. Suggestions about timing, where to stay, what to see?

Well ... the 1973 Court decision Roe V. Wade isn't a Constitutional Amendment. It states, "Though the State cannot override that right, it has legitimate interests in protecting both the pregnant woman's health and the potentiality of human life ..."

The forced-birth faction has been steadily chipping away at reproductive freedom since the '80's, while American women slept soundly at night assuming reproductive choice was a foregone conclusion. Surprise!

"... presiding officers from the North Dakota House and Senate also acknowledged that HB 1456 might not survive a court challenge, they described the bill as a "legitimate attempt by a state legislature to discover the boundaries of Roe v. Wade."

@kateli: By "in mixed company" I should have clarified by saying "during a gathering of male and female co-workers." Personal gatherings outside of work are a whole different ball game.

Vote in November 2013 Virginia gubernatorial race.

The anti-choice faction in US politics are introducing extreme legislation in order to mount a direct challenge to Roe V. Wade. Looks like they will get their wish. All eyes on the US Supreme Court now ...