“It’s unclear why the officer parked on the tracks”
“It’s unclear why the officer parked on the tracks”
We need to be paying our police officers more, so that they can afford to hire people who aren’t this goddamn stupid.
I think GM bought Cruise thinking that autonomy would be easier and bloodless. At the time they bought Cruise, there were projections that there would be >10 Million self-driving cars and robotaxis on the streets by 2020. But since then it’s been complicated and messy as a fatal pedestrian strike shook Uber out of the…
User name checks out, baby!
First seven words of the headline raised false hopes.
The old E=1/2mv^2 equation is unshakeable. The only way to reduce energy is to reduce mass or speed.
I’m going NP because this thing is super clean and the mileage works out to about 5,700 miles a year — Cleary this thing had a pretty gentle life. I have no idea what KBB and other guides suggest as a price, but here I think condition trumps a lot of the other factors. If you want this, you want this.
Paying “less than original price for used, but also more than new price” just tells me there are some weapons-grade idiots out there, honestly.
How much stock you holdin’?
I don’t think you understand how depreciation works. It’s a nice effort, I’ll give you that. But when a vehicle was originally sold for an amount and then sells again for a different amount, those are the numbers that matter. Do you think you’ll be able to sell that brand new $80k CT for $75k next year? Lol go ahead…
Asking price does not equal selling price. And a $15,000 discount for 50 miles isn't what I'd call "holding value" either.
That’s crazy that police were able to clear the bridge within 4 minutes. Probably saved hundreds of lives in doing so.
I know how much we love Panthers, but they long ago reached the point in their arc where they’re mostly cheap, simple, spacious transportation. If you want to keep yours in showroom condition, good on ya, but don’t expect to recover your investment in maintenance.
(there are 10+ linked articles on this page and I am not going to hunt through each one to find out).
[The Simpson’s Treehouse of Horror III but the cursed frogurt is a rotary engine.mp4]
Good points. I probably misread the article to be implying the system was only on two routes, and both were borked, rather than “two of X total routes were borked."
And just like that, you’ve summoned him!
I’m more of the “wreak havoc and make the fuckers pay” school of protest, rather than the “make myself suffer and watch them ignore me” train of thought.