
That’s how you know it was a racially motivated comment, he singled out rap specifically. Quite frankly I’m not at all surprised that a rich middle eastern dude holds prejudiced opinions about other races or ethnicities.

Alright, what team will give Cee-lo Green a seat just so he can sing “Fuck You” post-race with Ben in attendance? 

Just so you know, you’re what’s wrong with America.

Most insurance policies have a clause stating they will not pay out in the event the vehicle is used for a crime, and deliberately running someone off the road definitely sounds like a crime.  I wouldn’t be surprised if all the insurances involved refused to pay out.

GT350 has much the same, and why I bought it.  Wish this had a bit more sidewall as I know the sidewall barely moves unless there is a huge bump.

Yes to everything you said, and I think the ‘max’ is doing a lot of the work in ‘450 at the wheels max.’  But that 3.93 sure is nice for banging the rev limiter while laying rubber out of the high school...

Jalopnik editors have lost something over the years. I could see the old recommendations to be stuff like this

Ferrari being about “the brand” is a modern development. The Old Man was very clear about the fact that he only bothered with road cars to pay for the racing that he actually cared about. 

The car did alert after hitting the deer, it just alerted RFK, Jr. to come pick up the carcass and dispose of it in Central Park. That’s the new protocol. 

The HP of an EV is more about the battery than the motors. At 500hp with a 102kwh, the Lyriq motors are working the battery about as hard as a 1000hp/205kwh Hummer. It’s unlikely GM - who have to warranty the thing - would choose to double the draw on their smaller battery.

the ultimate electric luxury muscle crossover

It will return one line: “The training and use of AI consumes at least 85-150 terawatt-hours annually and could increase to between 620 and 1,050 terawatt-hours or more by 2026; that’s more than many small countries consume for their entire populations. Turn me off.”

Automakers are going to have to come to the realization that the car market is going the same direction as watch market did. Digital watches and smart watches are quite useful for every day wear, but there is a reason that Rolex and other luxury watch manufacturers are not making digital watches. Analog and

Yeah the dimensions weren’t in the materials that were given out under embargo. I just updated the story with a graf about the size and how it compares to Rivian/Tahoe/Lightning

Maybe their page is new, but they do have dimensions on their website:

that is exactly what happened in the late sixties and early seventies when toyota started selling well engineered, comfortable, cheap cars. I first set eyes on a Corolla in a college parking lot in spring of 1972. Classmate bought a nice two door, manual shift, crank window car for less than two grand. Early ones

I’m sure Ford’s shareholders would rather this dude not gush about the competition, but you know what? Good for him. He’s driving the other guys’ cars and giving them an honest appraisal. I hope this car delivers some lessons for can use on their own offerings.

280,000 miles is a lot of miles for any car. Toyotas got their reliability status for for just making it to 280,000 miles. Maybe it has another 100,000 in it, but I’m not going to gamble on it. Weird stuff wears out at this mileage.

OKay, let’s get stupid.

But never the turn signals, amirite?