
Automakers are going to have to come to the realization that the car market is going the same direction as watch market did. Digital watches and smart watches are quite useful for every day wear, but there is a reason that Rolex and other luxury watch manufacturers are not making digital watches. Analog and

Yeah the dimensions weren’t in the materials that were given out under embargo. I just updated the story with a graf about the size and how it compares to Rivian/Tahoe/Lightning

Maybe their page is new, but they do have dimensions on their website:

that is exactly what happened in the late sixties and early seventies when toyota started selling well engineered, comfortable, cheap cars. I first set eyes on a Corolla in a college parking lot in spring of 1972. Classmate bought a nice two door, manual shift, crank window car for less than two grand. Early ones

I’m sure Ford’s shareholders would rather this dude not gush about the competition, but you know what? Good for him. He’s driving the other guys’ cars and giving them an honest appraisal. I hope this car delivers some lessons for can use on their own offerings.

280,000 miles is a lot of miles for any car. Toyotas got their reliability status for for just making it to 280,000 miles. Maybe it has another 100,000 in it, but I’m not going to gamble on it. Weird stuff wears out at this mileage.

OKay, let’s get stupid.

But never the turn signals, amirite?

it could have used a nondescript car...

The current generation is certainly the purest distillation of I-didn’t-get-attention-in-high-school found in any Corvette.

Nah. C8, easy.

Buick Rivieras were vastly more interesting cars than this.

says that unsupervised FSD will come to current Tesla owners in California next year”

You know what would be that kind of a car in today’s market? Chinese EVs...

Couldn’t Tesla just insure them themselves?  I mean, why not, if the build quality is as good as they claim?  They shouldn’t have to make any payouts, being the car is built on sub-micron specs....

I don’t have an EV so I have zero context for this number. How many kWh would be an average “fill up” at this place? How does it compare to other pay charging options? How does it compare to what I’d pay at home?

Subaru has had a large number of recalls, warrantee extensions, service bulletins along with threats of class actions over their CVTs. Honda and Toyota limit use to lower power lowish cost vehicles to avoid the issue and still use slush boxes in many applications. Toyotas E-CVT is a completely different technological

I mean, did you even watch that video?

If automation was easy, it’d already be in place.

Should have gone with the monorail. North Haverbrook did, and as far as I know, they are quite happy with it.