
I’m reading this as Newey had some sort of misconduct against the CEO, but it isn’t actually reported anywhere? That could be anything from telling him he smells bad to hitting him over the head with a crowbar.

Is the CT6 actually bad? I just want the closest thing to a big floaty 21st century DeVille there is. And if I can’t have that, then the alternative is probably a Tahoe.

Sort of agree with your point on the maintenance, but I still want to see the receipts. Like others have said, if its sitting out of service for an extended period waiting for parts, that’s a legitimate problem. It’s just not thorough reporting to say “The culprits, once again, have been high maintenance costs”.

We’re all sitting here watching a video where crossing a double-yellow was completely uncalled for. Fella said you don’t do that, which to the letter of the law, is correct. Nobody really asked for a discussion on whether it was *ever* the right thing to do. Most of us would agree it probably is.

I don’t think that’s what OP is saying, and the scenario you laid out doesn’t really match what’s happening in the video.

Somebody took out my driver-side mirror while it was parked on the street in like 2013. I figured a black plastic replacement would be cheaper than the painted one that came with whatever trim level we had, but somehow they were the same price.

Hey, my ‘01 Tahoe was Pewter! Still kicking myself for getting rid of it in 2015, it had at least another 100k miles in it.

Now we are going from “no value to lost” to a net positive on the world. Addition by subtraction!

1st legitimately sucks. For all the stupid that goes on at this company, somebody (I’m assuming it wasn’t Musk) at least understood throwing money at the Supercharger network is as or more important than the cars themselves. Hopefully whoever that is wasn’t a part of this. 

This is brutal, because I’m balancing 4 cars that would actually fit in my life vs. genuine *dream* cars. Best shot is:

Same here. There’s something oddly charming about the whole 50's retro kick from the early 00's, even if it produced some serious oddities like the Chevy SSR.

Right? I was kind of waiting for another shoe to drop during this listing, but this seems plenty fair.

don’t tell the boomers that!

I would’ve assumed it was just some backmarker at first because Ferucci is at least competitive, and there’s probably some actual sponsor paying him too much money to be on the side of the car for the Indy 500.

This dude 1000% modelled his look after Mr. Wrench from Fargo, and it is hilarious.

Woke basically went in three stages:

This thing is probably nets +1 MPG or two during EPA testing. A lot of people will probably pull it off. IMO it’s really indicative of how bad the thing is on gas that they had to do it.

Ron DeSantis ate this exact same shit-sandwich during his primary campaign for president. Eventually these freaks are going to figure out normal people are more off-put by anti-woke culture than they were by woke culture in the first place, Gonna be weird to see where that whole culture goes from there.

Blue on tan automatic convertible is the most boomer C5 a C5 could ever be. Of course one of the coolest dudes on the planet still drives one when its 20 years old, even though he’s not a boomer. This is still perfection regardless. 

As someone who saw a bunch of those Tesla ads while waiting for my youtube videos to start, they were probably just limited by the budget. They were all basically just: car drives around while engineer gives basic voiceover of something good about the car. It wasn’t dumb or bad, just completely unremarkable.