And even if they don’t have it, odds are if you make enough phone calls, you’ll find some small industrial joint that deals in rubber products to make some for you.
And even if they don’t have it, odds are if you make enough phone calls, you’ll find some small industrial joint that deals in rubber products to make some for you.
I was thinking extend this to the land yachts in general. With how massive the Charger is, it stands to reason you could just bring back the B-Body and Panther Platform now that you wouldn’t have to squeeze the EV through CAFE.
Making this thing dimensionally larger in any way would just be hubris.
The shame is that this is kinda what earnestly fighting the good fight looks like, right? This guy clearly understands Dodge’s customer base, and I’m not sure there’s a better way to get them to buy EV’s.
Seriously, how many storylines can they come up with that have zero bearing on the racing?
This is all some pretty high comedy, but I’d trade every ounce of it to see a season that’s remotely competitive.
In a vacuum, it would be pretty cool that they essentially made an EV land yacht...
I think the general shape is designed to *appear* smaller than it actually is. And while it might have worked, it was at the expense of some uncanny valley dimensions.
I don’t think it’s so much about infinite growth as it is big decision-makers treating racing like something it isn’t. While there are probably more “line goes up” types in leadership than ever, that’s more a function of time than anything else.
Weird existential take regarding this that I’ve been harboring for a while now:
This is a great though that I’ve always believed but never really articulated. I remember using the work “robotic” to describe the fascia of the early 2010's refresh when it happened, and each update since them has one-upped the last.
Oh, that’s brilliant.
Lawrence will probably get flak for breaking the rules, but Tom sort of gets at the same problem with his recommendation: Even the best solution to all these requirements is going to have something wrong with it.
Alright, I’m normally one to pile on the writers here, but that was not remotely what seems to be going on here. While Prius v. Hummer isn’t a comparison anyone actually needed, they’re effectively saying two separate things here:
Highly recommend Downfall: The Case Against Boeing on Netflix for a really well flushed out piece on how the current Boeing is so much worse than the what preceded the McDonnel-Douglas merger. It’s also works a factual dismantling of the dipshit theory that this is somehow woke culture’s fault instead of traditional co…
Even with the resolution, how much we continue to hear about this is probably inversely proportional to how interesting/competitive the F1 season will be.
NASCAR drivers being some semblance of regular joe’s and also goofy characters has been one of the things I’ve always appreciated about it. However, I think there’s a bigger reason here:
1. The most pristine blue manual C5 Corvette that is still out there. Doesn’t need to be a Z06, and would actually sort of prefer it wasn’t so I could fiddle with it without feeling like I’m desecrating something.
What’s extra weird about this is you can sort of see how the echo-chamber gets built... unintentionally. Normal people with normal priorities and normal problems won’t work for “cool points”, and thus Tesla limits their talent pool to the sort of weirdos that will. You wind up without a single reasonable voice in the…
I mean, if you live like a normal college kid, you go to campus more than a couple times a week. This seems like the more pertinent issue that makes this an oddball case only being presented for shock-value.