
well, I mean, she was walking while black, so...what did she expect was gonna happen?


God, that is so fucking true.

A 14 year old should not have to read about the status of their genitals on the Internet. Freshman year of high school is hard enough.

Facebook comments are where Yahoo comments go to die in an ignorant, racist, sexist, homophobic fire.

I feel like your age, relationship status, and type and variety of cheese on hand would really skew these results.

Both times that I've smoked weed have been completely terrible. The first time I was a freshman in college and was chilling at my friend's house sitting place. I gave it a shot (and probably smoked too much too fast) and within 5 minutes my face was paralyzed in this goofy grin and I was convinced that I couldn't

One time when I was a teen I got high with one of my friends and we followed around this woman because we thought she was a witch because she was carrying a staff and dressed in a black trench coat with black makeup and wearing a weird hat but then I went up to her and asked her if she was a witch and she told me she

so good


I've asked this many times: WHO IS JENNY MCCARTHY?

Well, I think we should at least allow for the possibility they're just that impressionable, which is why I added those couple of sentences. But my gut reaction is to say: How the fuck does anyone on the Internet think Slender Man is real?

I'm gonna guess that it was one of those deadpanned jokes like, "here's this woman who is going through a meltdown and this guy disarms her by coming over and pretending he is more important." And coming from Jon Hamm, who probably is already dressed up like Don Draper, I'm sure it really helped break the ice.

Nah, it's pretty funny. I imagine the effect is somewhat lost in text.

You need to stop with the "this didn't happen" stuff. Seriously. Stop doing it.

Agree. I mean I'm happy that colt and glock make guns with slimmer grips and that are lighter weigh so that it's easy for me to handle and easy to conceal. I don't enjoy the fact that it's necessary. And I don't enjoy the fact that they think I want it in pink. But yes, it's not right that our fear has become

Reading Rainbow was my childhood, and LeVar Burton is a god amongst men. BRB, gotta wipe this mascara off my chin.

Real talk: I was raped at this school, many years ago now. I dropped out not long afterward. I never once considered reporting it - the culture of victim-blaming was that high. People stereotype the U of C as a nerdy, virgin-filled school, and the nerd part definitely has a bit of truth. But the frats there are