Moses Rodcancer

I'm disappointed to see the Vikes mentioned here at all.

Yeah, not only are they hideous, it's outright sacrilege. Even if they looked GOOD it'd be wrong.

I guess I agree, but it was pretty openly hostile, especially since he let James Adomian's Dr. Bronner character go for an entire episode.

There's no longer any doubt…

"Just Google 'The Bilderbergs,' 'Open Flame Can't Melt Steel'…you'll get the picture."

The Substance 87 version was probably the third or fourth I listened to, but I didn't start getting into New Order until this year, so I had no attachment to any other version. It just clicked. As soon as I heard it, if felt "right" compared to the the others. (I also very much agree with Modell about the song's


Eh, didn't do much for me. I mean, it sounds good and all, but the song is already at risk of becoming a formless mess, and the Taras version gets there in a hurry.

I mean, "Ceremony" is basically a Joy Division song though, isn't it? I put it on a mix with other stuff from Substance and Power, Corruption, and Lies, and it just sounds so out of place.

But it has to be the right version! Seriously, there are at least 4 floating around out there — none of them touching the majesty of the Substance 87 version. I'm sure the NO faithful probably know of a handful more.

You even picked the right version of "Temptation"! Good work with this.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I only discovered it while watching Daredevil.

That's how I got into it, too. Solid movie, but that piece was the real gem. The Helfgott abbreviated version is terrific, and I still listen to it from time to time, but there's no touching the Horowitz.

Thumbs way up for the "Real Love" love. I never see anyone talk about it, and it's one of their finest songs.

"A fight? In the sauna? How are they gonna…ohp, I guess they're just gonna go for it."

That and Broken Social Scene's You Forgot it in People were both hugely formative in defining my taste in music. Before that, it was all The Who, Zeppelin, Springsteen, Pink Floyd and such. Those two albums really made me pay attention to newer stuff. I didn't know music could be like that.

"USC Film School. Ever heard of it?"

It's hard to imagine U2 not being huge, and it's hard to imagine Queen ever having been played out.

I suppose I've had a lot of these moments, but the most recent was when I heard "Temptation" by New Order (the one on Substance '87).
