It's definitely his most fully-realized character. And, somehow, one of his least obnoxious.
It's definitely his most fully-realized character. And, somehow, one of his least obnoxious.
Yeah, I realized about halfway into the live episode that I find it way funnier when they SHOULD be talking 'bout U2 instead of doing an extended turn-off-the-dark goof. With the live show, they had no intention of pretending to talk about U2, and that kind of ruined it. The show benefits from that conceit, if that…
I'm right there with you. I pretended to like Dave Matthews' "Satellite" because I guess I thought it would impress this girl I was into. It's not a hard song to not listen to.
For me it's #1 with a bullet. If Morrowind, DA:O, and Mass Effect couldn't unseat it, nothing will.
Even more depressing? You were supposed to be able to learn to use tools from the manual you find in his Mount Zozo hideout.
Yeah, that shit died with Roseanne. It's all lifestyle porn now. THANKS FRIENDS.
It occurred to me the second after I hit "post" that it was probably a reference I didn't get. All well.
Yeah, the nuclear option. We all have something.
I want you to know that I literally have flop sweat on my forehead just from reading that.
I've been a little more patient than others, but even I couldn't make it through the Horatio Sanz/Dr. Phil live episode slog — and I love Horatio Sanz.
Also, when they chastise Cody for sneezing on the air ("Next time, call another engineer, excuse yourself, walk down the hall, take the elevator downstairs, and sneeze in your car") was one of the funniest things I've ever heard.
Yeah, I'm re-listening now, and Lauren's character seems a bit out of place. Sucks. I really want to support her.
IT'S BEEN a nice three-week stretch for "With Special Guest"…especially the most recent episode, the Thank God It's the Guardians of the Galaxy Original Soundtrack podcast with the Hollywood Handbook guys (this episode actually got me into HH, by the by).
Yeah, Morrowind was the gold standard for "big world" immersion. Yeah, you could use marks and recalls to get around a little faster — but you're inevitably going to forget to stock up. And it's precisely then that you wander into Aundae totally unprepared.
Definitely agree. They seem to be passion projects, too, so the ones that DO get made tend to be of a higher quality.
Literally everything about the show was perfect. I wish CBS had the stones to do a Late Late Show in this style.
It was amazing.
Not sure if anyone here has played the little episodic choice-and-consequence detective game "The Detail," but I'm almost positive…