Moses Rodcancer

I mean, it sounds like a good idea to me. If you want to talk to someone, you just take the headphones off!

I got a PHD from Hofstra and rainin' down shit on ya face! Now get over here and tongue kiss my son.

It feels like it was written by a rookie.

Yeah, I'm baffled as to why "Clap Your Hands" is on this list. Perfect way to introduce what's to come on the album.

It hasn't been at its best, and I can't put my finger on why. I love Samberg, but I think they've been leaning a bit too much on his mugging. And there's something different about Braugher's portrayal of Holt. Seems off. I'm worried.

I wouldn't hesitate to call this the worst episode yet, and I think your take about it being a cartoon version of B99 is right-on. I hate to say it, but this whole season has been a bit lacking so far.

Yeah, I got double-chills when I realized that "Epitaph" is mostly just a slower version of "Setzer's Theme."

Fair enough. I know it's presumptuous and arrogant, but I can't help but feel that the only people who DON'T think FFVI's score is the best haven't actually played it.

FFVI is excellent (and maybe even at its best) in its early phase. The whole Narshe sequence, Figaro, and through the 3 separate storylines…awesome.

Have you spent a lot of time with FFVI? CC's score is top 10 all-time, for sure, but I don't think it holds a candle — in scope, ambition, or quality — to FFVI.

Well, like, regardless of whether you save him or not, the world is still pretty destroyed and stuff, so it's not all good.

She's spent years cultivating the image that she only sleeps with bike messengers…or better.

I think the ladder match has given us enough all-time greats to warrant consideration.

They're prepping Rollins and Dean Ambrose for main event-status, aren't they? I think they're both worthy.

For me, it was the final payoff to the Sting vs. NWO story at Starrcade '97. There hasn't been an angle that entertaining since, and the Sting vs. Hogan finale was the perfect conclusion to it all.

I'm a little late to the party here, but if anyone sees this and has any insights, feel free to respond.

"It's a toilet. Or a woman. It's whatever you need it to be!"

No, her appearances as herself on other podcasts have convinced me that she's a mean-spirited person.

See, now I thought that WAS funny. Like I said, he's good about stretching bits to their breaking point, and as much as they did it, I never got tired of it. Nice touch by Scott, too, in using "Hollywood Facts" to intro Would You Rather?

Sad as it to say - because I really love Boyle on B99 - certain comedians (lookin' at you, Todd Barry) just don't play well on podcasts. Maybe Joe is one of 'em.