Moses Rodcancer

Do you…legitimately think that Wesley was more awesome than Dennis? Or is this that "trolling" all the kids seem to love?

Michael Buble is the worst, but that song is such a perfect addition to the plot.

My favorite part of Jack-Tor is Jack's story about the girl falling into the water, which I didn't even pick up on until maybe my third or fourth rewatch.

Quick question…Did you not finish FFIV?

There's no arguing that 16-bit aged a LOT better than the PS1 polygons…but man, those rendered backgrounds in VII were a sight to behold in 1997. There was nothing like it.

I still remember getting chills when I realized the guy holding up the burning building in Kohlingen(?) was Sabin. I had no idea what to expect from the second half of that game. Figuring out that, yes, your old mates are still alive and scattered around the world…one of my favorite moments in gaming.

Lost Odyssey is a wonderful game. Probably time for another playthrough.

I've professed my love for FFVI here (and literally any time it's brought up IRL), but I will say there IS one area where it's sorely lacking: challenge.

My first playthrough, he had Cat Scratch straightaway.

By a wide margin. Best score, most characters, most interesting characters, best customization, tightest story. VII's rendered backgrounds give it a distinct advantage in visual appeal, but that's about it.

I replaced the music files with the originals. Not sure if that helps.

Yeah, I suppose that some of the teen angst hyper-drama and ridiculous costumes originated in VII…but VIII and IX - even if you don't love 'em - are MUCH better than X-present.

In turn, I was SHOCKED at how many of VI's seeds were sewn in V. I didn't give that game enough credit.

Master of the Leitmotif, Uematsu. No other score compares.

1. VI
2. IX
3. VII
5. V
6. I
7. IV

That's the beauty of the game - you connect to characters like Baram, Rachel, and (especially) Daryll, even though they get just a few moments of screen time.

O'Doyle's, I think. Great Beantown jab.

I know exactly what you're talking about, but I don't remember the specific thread. It was for something like a review of a Pixies album from the late 90s/early 2000s. Not the Pixies, but someone like 'em. I think. I dunno.

I love it too, and I agree that the characters were generally well-formed at the start - with Troy being the notable exception. It seemed like they were toying with giving him a little bit of an edge, but they went the other way with it pretty quickly. Most notably, with him crying and dragging himself out of the

I overdid it, and I deeply regret it.