Moses Rodcancer

As much as I love the show, they never did right by Shirley, and they CERTAINLY never did right by Pearce.

Nothing about Chevy, then?

Warband Native. I'm already in pretty deep. About to marry Lady Timethi, hoping I get some nice real estate for it. Wondering if I should help King Graveth of the Rhodoks take over the map before I make my move, or whether I should sew chaos and nick castles and cities for myself in a series of wars.

They should make it very clear that becoming king is a 500+ hour commitment. They probably shouldn't even sell it. I was going to get the early-access Wasteland 2 and Divinity: Original Sin, but all I can think about is how I'm going to hold onto Dhirim and Sargoth.

I accidentally got into Mount & Blade. That's my life now.

It took me 40 tries to get Ruin Sentinels down solo/hollow. It must have hardened me, because I went back and played through the parts of DS1 I never player originally, and it was all very easy. I got Ornstein & Smough down solo on my third go. Definitely my greatest gaming achievement.

"Word is Nancy Donovan was seen parading around with a hotshot in New York City who pours scotch like a woman."

I love the guy, but it didn't use to be that way. Remember CDR's very first best-of hosted by Huell and Ice-T? They were so good together. What happened to Adomian's ability to play well with others?

His delivery absolutely killed me. My lasting memories of S5 are largely Hickey-centric.

Essential, even. If you're examining the dynamics of a community, you need an outsider, and he was a fucking pro.


I'll answer your question with another question: Have you ever seen Lionel Richie and Grimace in the same place at the same time?

Hey, even if what you're saying is true, I don't really give a shit. It still sounds good to me.

I guess it was, like, my brain folds?

I mean, it WOULD be better if we were all the same color, right?

Maybe, but this thread in particular seems to be an odd target for that. Wouldn't we be LESS likely to respond?

That much is obvious from your posts.

Guy, have you read literally ANY of the other comments regarding this story? Ghost of Eazy E got about as close as you can get to excusing Oldman's comments without really excusing them. He's at least willing to admit that, hey, even those of us who voted for Obama probably deal with some bigotry in our lives.

Simple! Just parcel out some of Iraq - a country that has no interest in being a country - for the Kurds, and some for the Palestinians! It was that easy all along!

I can appreciate what you're going for here — the idea that the cartoonish old-man racism of Donald Sterling types isn't the beating heart of modern racism — but there isn't a whiff of repentance in anything Oldman said.