
A B? This was one of the best episodes of the show.

The referenced him a few times last season, even saying that he had came out of a cave and said he couldn't die.

The man on the toward sent that Australian man a letter in the first episode of season 2. And, there was another reference to it about how that man was starting a religion because he had been to the other side and couldn't die.

I love Saul, but the show has been spinning its wheels at times. Season 2 had about 3 epi at the end here nothing happened. And Game of Thrones Production is 2nd to none, Battle of the Bastards is a work of Art.

Game of Thrones is an amazing show. S2 and S3 were okay but S4-6 have been fantastic.

Leftovers is better. Game of Thrones is better. But its still pretty Good

The last few seasons lacked the consistency the earlier ones had for sure, but there are still about 6 solid episodes each year with 1-2 great ones. The St. Paddy's Day and Mac & Dennis Move to the Suburbs episodes were Great last year

Just End the show already. Its Over. Half of the Cast wants out. No shame in it, the show went 12 seasons. Come back for an hour finale.

Hilarious episode, with a great payoff. 3rd Best of the Season so far. Should be B+

Thought the Episode was Awesome, action was great and it was hilarious. Ash kicked ass, beat the bad guy and they set us up for a new storyline in season 3. The show is entertaining as hell, thats all its trying to be.

Too many events/storylines occur because of the stupidity of characters. Its hard to root for anyone who basically deserves to die for their stupidity.

Imo this confirms Frank will die in the last season.

I really liked this episode, BUT your statement is inaccurate.

Don't want to push it, but I REALLY want the last holiday episodes. Halloween and Christmas, would awesome

Nothing hokey about it.

NEVER said he found Jesus, clearly you weren't paying attention.

The Romance in season 2 between Brody and Carrie killed the show.

Season 2 of Homeland SUCKED.