i want some. get me some. kinja deals?
i want some. get me some. kinja deals?
I’m still trying to figure out the endgame. I supported Kaep’s right to protest, but I always felt like he painted himself into a terrible corner by revealing that he’d continue the protest last year until he felt there was “progress,” which is ambiguous, subjective, and unlikely if we are talking about any sort of…
Um. I ....can’t say I condone it, but I did notice something in here: You’ve driven past this statue 300 times now, and you didn’t even knew it existed. Now that you do, you’re bitching about it. For those 300 times, this statue did absolutely nothing to you or for you. It took Charlottesville for you to get…
Really excited to read this when I’m not at work, but felt compelled to raise a Toys “R” Us tangent:
Anyone that’s driving in Chicago and swings open their car doors is just asking for trouble. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been driving and have almost taken off someone’s door because they swung it open into my lane. Be very aware of your surroundings before you exit your car.
Yeah, it’s a civil case so money is the only issue. I could just as easily call her a money grubbing slut as you called him a rapist. Goes both ways.
I love the IDEA of the zipper merge. I’ve rarely seen it successfully executed. Usually it involves a bunch of assholes (asshole A) using the closing lane to get to the front with another bunch of assholes (asshole B) blocking their position in line which causes the open lane to slow down significantly to where if you…
Next Lifehacker post should be: How To Get a Group of Friends Who Will Come By Unannounced To Hang Out.
The United States would suffer a massive ecosystem collapse if we got rid of hunting weapons, and in turn people would starve in the aftermath. Including you.
Anyone that has read Barstool or has grazed through the comment section will see that she’s just pandering to the audience. The founder of the company is a Jew and the majority of jokes towards him relate to him being Jewish. If she wasn’t an established reporter, you wouldn’t even be talking about this, it literally…
My friend actually said the opposite- he thinks that some other NFC East team will want to nab him up, just so he can mess with ODB’s head twice a year.
Since when does Old Dirty Bastard play for the Giants?!
I am praying that somehow, some way the Giants find a way to sign him.
Just build a giant net over the country and make the mosquitoes pay for it. Problem solved.
Dude needs to stop having so much fun.
Is no one going to mention the fact that a washed up artist like Ray J made Kanye’s wife famous?