
Does she know she has control issues? I mean, is she’s open about it or is this all dealt with by skirting around it? I think starting there, getting her to talk about how she feels when she “loses” control will help.

This is really heartbreaking. I hope she can find her spark again. You deserve affection. 

Yeah if you are a guy content to let your wife do all the shit work and not give a damn, then yes your marriage is in trouble because you aren’t showing basic respect for your spouse. It’s tough making relationships work. It’s hard finding a balance. People will make mistakes and gender norms can creep in w/o people

Pre-cana is mostly the church telling you to have children and don’t use birth control or have an abortion. 

I’ll probably get skewers for this.... but I have defend some men out there that make valiant effort.

Barely-a-millenial here. At one point in my former marriage, I was working two jobs; one full time during the days, and doing delivery driving in the evenings part time. In the mornings, I was expected to make the school lunches for the kids before going to work. Between the jobs I cooked supper for them all and threw

I’m amazed at how many sour grapes there are about marriage. And holy shit, Jezebel’s headlines keep getting more clickbaity as the days pass. Part of me understands the general jaded feeling/view on marriage because theirs either failed or they know someone who’s marriage failed, and that messes and warps their view

As a single dad with custody of my kids, I raise my fist in solidarity with women getting the F out of relationships where they’re pulling most of the weight. Drop at least one of your weights. 

My ex sister in law is one of those women who needs her spouse to be functionally useless. Everyone she dated, and now her husband, is essentially a human golden retriever. Nice? Sure. Loyal? Sure. Needy dumb dumb? Absolutely. And she loves it. She writes his resumes and his cover letters when applies to jobs. She

As a male who: works full-time, cooks just about each night, cleans the house, will help with laundry (though I really dislike folding), and takes out the trash/recycling, etc., etc.. (we do not have kids) I have to say that I find this comment section hilarious.

3% of women said their spouse was doing more schooling than they were”

As a middle-aged GenX dude, I have plenty to say about all these “man children” being referenced here. Useless, the lot of them. None of the women here need my permission, of course, but I certainly support every one of them who decide to show their S.O. the door.

I would offer a sidebar, though: There is a

... .. . ... ... And you keep commenting. Go read something else. Steven Bach’s ‘Final Cut’ might do it for you

This place sailed past the point of no return YEARS ago, dude. Let it go. They surely do not give a shit. The fifth-gen O’Neal Xeroxes writing here don’t, and the international conglomerate click farm that now owns the place definitely doesn’t either.

as a lover of good writing and culture, one rule i try to always follow is

absolutely sir i can get you set up right now over the internet

also if you roll your eyes at this possibility cause you don’t think it would bother you if it happened then maybe consider why you would take such a cavalier attitude to the place where you have been pouring out everything that matters to you for years

for the record too i don’t mean to act high and mighty i know it’s some kind of generational pathology too great to describe while in the midst of experiencing and i’m just as complicit

“AVCLUB employee benefits package

Cruel, but fair.