
That’s 100% how I felt about Weeds, Nip/Tuck, and Dexter.  

Hats off to the team for the apparent goal of ending the series boldly. I’ve always felt that this show is thisclose to being a “great” show, but it leans too much into its suspense/pulp/soap aspects to make that leap. At the core, I think the problem is that the show is never clear about the characters and who and

I wonder if people even know what “superhero” movies mean as a genre.  I’m also amazed that anyone thinks Gladiator is good, much less great.

It’s up there.  Also 1974 and 1999.  And probably 2007.

Ed Norton and Terrence Howard are like, “why the long leash?”

ETA: And whatever, they can “Christopher Plummer/Kevin Spacey” this situation easy.  Letitia is fine but replaceable.

I seem to have struck a nerve here. I just think Mooney is not very funny on his own, or wasn’t for a relatively long stretch. Maybe they just needed to write to him better?

Leslie Jones better be in this.  Mooney wasn’t funny until she got in there.

I don’t totally see their appeal.  They’re in a kinda real world Uncanny Valley zone.  The smiles seem inauthentic - I would suspect they are actually robots or aliens.  But otherwise agree.  They should raise kids together.

Isn’t he “with” his “brother”?  There’s a weird vibe there.

Oh mercy. Will this be a lot of “walk and talks” as they wander through multi-camera sets?  (Hot take - the mismatch here was Sorkin.  I’d rather have whatshisname who works with Will Ferrell but then got into highbrow movies.)

Agreed. She’s like Meryl Streep in her sneaky comic work. Big Little Lies was funny because Kidman was in a drama and almost everyone else (Meryl included) was in a comedy.

Wait what?  I don’t remember Universal (or anyone) doing a Namor movie!  Anyway, my point is that Marvel is focusing on weird stuff now.  I think core properties is a good place to be.  

I completely agree AND they had the best vehicle to get Warlock in early!  GotG!  

Oh Sam Barsanti, you clickbaiting troll.  Warlock might not be a top 10 Marvel person, but so help me, he is way ahead of stuff like Eternals and Inhumans.  (I am genuinely shocked that Marvel is going to its fringe/offbrand stuff before it hits its core properly like F4, Warlock, Moon Knight, Namor, etc.)

I’m confused - she was a net positive for fashion?  Could we just have things that aren’t whatever shapewear nonsense she pushes and also not low rise?  

NAILED IT!  (Yes, he’s terrible, he was terrible, she’s terrible, she was terrible.  But stunt casting nonsense has been in SNL for decades for whatever reason.  Hopefully Kim doesn’t cause democracy to unravel further?)

I miss back when they put in legit talent like Rege-Jean Page.

It’s a great show and Carrie is the anti-heroine. (There should be more of them, but she and Nancy Botwin were both definitely two early ones before Elizabeth Jennings kicked the GD door down.) In many ways, the show is about an asymmetry in the core friendship - Carrie is by far the worst of the four as a person and

Just a question - how far are we going down this rabbit hole? Can a Punjabi play someone from Tamil Nadu? Can someone from northern China play someone from southern China? I’m not being glib here - we have ended up in some weird (and frankly indefensible) spots based on “blink and you’ll miss it” racial definitions.

Your last reply disappeared but it’s a valid point - I have tried to get us more alone time.  When I do, it’s great.  Mom guilt, professional guilt, etc. make it hard for her to indulge.  As to the control issues, yeah it’s a work in progress.  But I mean it’s a lifetime commitment, hopefully.