
Was there any rump that was shaken?


You earned this click.  If there’s a click-bait headline award, I nominate you for it.

Remember when Trump said it was okay to go after family members of terrorists?  

I think that was a late Busby Berkeley work. Dicks-A-Gogo! From 1975. A tough talking dame from a small town moves to the big city and battles systemic oppression of the patriarchy. In the centerpiece scene, our heroine Jumping Judy Janowicz metaphorically and literally topples the patriarchy by jumping onto penis

I didn’t expect a theater nerd to be such a jerk.  (Half sarcasm.)

I assumed that the dicks were vertical, but now I’m wondering if you could rig up a trampoline sort of situation with enough horizontal dicks.

How does one jump on a dick?  Is there special equipment involved?  Harnesses and such?

Fair points. Look, like I said, I like guns. They are fun. But 1) I don’t think a sensible moral or ethical code can be created with the law as the metes and bounds, and 2) all sorts of things are fun but objectionable. (E.g., in my living memory, child sex tourism was something that Americans could engage in abroad

Why do you think they own them? I know a few with them as well, and my best answers are either dumb (“it’s not illegal and it’s fun”) or paranoid (“I’d rather be safe than sorry”).

I have shot them too.  Guns are fun!  And I’m a vegetarian, near vegan, and a pacifist.  But all sorts of things are fun.  I probably

How the real Law & Order president behaves - he doesn’t fuck around with racists.  

All of this. Also, when unions negotiate contracts no rehiring of officers fired for misconduct. EVER. No purging records of misconduct. And reduce the weapons budget. It’s not all cops by a long shot, but there is a very bad kind of officer who is attracted to the gear and weapons because it’s like a war that s/he

The vague shade about Friends was intriguing. I wish someone would ask about his classic directorial work, My Boyfriend’s Back.

My point is that the character, like the story and the dialogue, are incredibly unremarkable and unmemorable.  I have great memories of the visuals of the movie, and I remember Sigourney Weaver in it.  But Undercover Brother left a far deeper impression on my memory.  

Fantastic Beasts?  I guess, but it’s sorta derivative from HP.  I feel like that’s taking a shot at a late Bond or Planet of the Apes film.  Avatar is a weird standalone that is uninspiring at a story level.  Does anyone even remember the name of the main character?  I remember the actors name because it’s so strange.

I’m trying to think of a less beloved work that was driving this level of investment in sequels. The closest I have is Now You See Me. Avatar isn’t even that bad.  It’s just, after the special effects, it’s thoroughly unremkarable.

This could just be setting the stage for Chauvin to become judgment proof from any civil claims from Floyd’s family.  I think this is not a win.  

I don’t agree - to me, the works were heavily allegorical and were aimed at philosophical questions about the nature of leadership and rebellion.  I think the games and the technology were the bait to get the readers.

I thought it worked well to 1) recapitulate the themes of the first books and 2) continue with the theme that the stuff Katniss sees is all (deadly) theater, and not part of the real story.  

“Though there’s plenty of other issues with its story” - Really?  Like what?  I think Hunger Games will endure at least as much as Bradbury has.