Mine has a link to a Dakota Johnson movie! Am I a monster?!
Mine has a link to a Dakota Johnson movie! Am I a monster?!
Mostly true, but I’ll say (from my own experience) that a lot of cultural (often religious) brainwashing fucks this up: A lot of people women have been conditioned to be unassertive in sex and to voice what they’re into. So trying to figure them and please them can be considered a turnoff for a stretch, and…
Ooh, we got a couple of real geniuses over here.
I knew those bastards in Jacksonville were up to something! Less than 1000 people per square mile, what horse shit!
This reminds me of the previous craziest film I’ve seen - Feed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feed_(2005_film)
Truly, you are doing God’s work today.
Euripedes and maybe Tyler Perry disagree with you.
If Gaga isn’t careful, people will start associating her with sex. On the other hand, for Grande, this might help people forget about Pete Davidson.
Oliver Cromwell did that?
I’ll bet you all my kinja points that they’ll refund you if you write with this exact complaint.
Yes. Shockingly, a Trump DOJ did not do anything else with this. But, I’m not sure what your point is - should we give up? Riot? What’s the response? I am of the view that persisting in outrage is a good response and one day, we might get a change. It happened elsewhere.
I mean, I agree with you (and “jim”) but what’s your alternative? I think we have to at least try to change it. I am deeply against the “everyday” corruption jim describes. (I genuinely believe that I was denied the opportunity to go to a school I wanted to, in part, because far inferior candidates with far more…
You’re sort of assuming that nothing else comes of this. My point is that, historically, identifying public corruption has then resulted in a re-examination of what led there. If you read the public commentary around these cases, that discussion was being had in the press and government. Whether the public moves…
I hear you, but disagree. If we want to get change, we have to start by targeting the current offenders. LOTS of reform starts this way. Otherwise, it’s shrugs or revolution. Those aren’t the only options.
Courts are moving at herky jerky speed, so I don’t know, but probably true. I think the difference between zero days in prison and one is pretty huge, both personally and stigmatically.
If you apply this, I would expect there are quite a lot of crimes that would go unpunished. From a certain level, most crimes are “relatively victimless”. If I rob a rich person, I only took a little bit of their money, they’ll be fine. If I steal a few pennies from a few hundred million, I haven’t hurt anyone. If I…
I have a bad feeling that the timing was this - because of COVID-19, they will seek a deal where they are “in prison” at home, and never go to prison itself. If this happens, what a fucking loophole.
Uh... is this a game for kids? Or are adults playing it too?
Where’s Charlie Kaufman’s GD puppet streaming show, you bastards?
Eh. Plenty got hustle too. I don’t think that explains it all. I’m just mystified by his mass appeal.