
Agreed. I am just forever paranoid about the Bernie/progressives who are constantly yammering about how Biden is “just as bad or worse” than Trump, and how they’re gonna fuck this up again.

Gotta ask - is “double butt” a reference to “Oakland Nights”?

^^^ This.  It’s frustrating, because I feel like the hard left has given up on the real tools to regulate business.  They exist and they work, though!  And it’s a LOT easier to sell an average person on how big companies need to “play by the rules” than “big companies and CEOs should be taxed out of existence and/or

I hear you.  And, not to make this about politics, but shit this an area where Biden (and Warren) would materially change things.  The past four years have turned the FTC into little more than an apparatus to help Trump pursue grudges.  Monopolies are supposed to be reined in.  We could live in a world where this shit

For the opponents, would they be less annoyed if Rogan charged on a per episode basis?  I exclusively listen to public radio podcasts so I know little of this world.  But it sounds like a private podcaster (who might not be that great?) is seeking to make listeners pay.  

For the uninitiated, what’s the big deal here?  I have not listened to Rogan once so I don’t really get it - isn’t this just a guy with a loyal fanbase going to greater lengths to monetize it?  It’s shitty, maybe, but is he important enough to worry about getting locked down?  Plus, Stern is WAY better and he did it

Say more?  What was it like?  I only know Rogan as a side character on News Radio and a failed MMA fighter and a mediocre standup.

Literally was going to say this!  That show was a museum of talent.  Joe Rogan would have been near the bottom of my list of breakout stars from it... Lauren Graham certainly would be above him.  What a shitty world.

I’m glad to see he’s doing more with his life than manufacturing ecstasy all day long.  The people of West Covina have been dealing with droughts for far too long.

All true. (And all why I think states are incredibly dumb concepts for this day and age. We should just go to city states and let rural people do whatever the fuck they want.) But, the rancor of the rural areas for cities is just hilarious given that we have all the jobs and all the money.  I think so much of this

I mean, that’s most states. That’s my point. Take out the Northeast (and even there, I have questions), and you’ll find the rural areas hate the cities. It’s mostly a question of whether the cities are big enough. Rural California can get super scary, e.g., to be not white in. Same with rural NY or rural PA. New

Well I hope that progressives get their shit together and vote against Trump, then.  I don’t see it happening.  At this point, I think the DNC  could nominate a Bernie clone and they’d still get railed for it.

That really sucks. But it makes me wonder how many cool cities in “red” states are being held hostage by the rural areas. I think it’s a lot. And it makes me wonder how many people you have to add to Omaha, St. Louis, New Orleans, or Charlotte to totally flip the state.

Your second point is generally right. I wouldn’t

He went from SassE to Sass.  

Sasse is the worst.  He wanted the luxury of being a Trump skeptic/critic but didn’t want to stand up to him even once about anything important.  He makes Romney look like goddamned GI Joe.  Nebraska people, what’s up?  Omaha is a cool city.  How is this moron getting support?  Is the rest of the state garbage?

He was a lifelong alcoholic who was an emotionally abusive husband and father, and ran through his wife’s savings numerous times before she left him. Does that change your analysis?

I am somewhat likely to be asked to be a pallbearer to a Trump supporter.  Not through friends or blood, but through my wife’s family.  Am I allowed to refuse?  (Worth noting that this is a generally terrible person who was awful through his whole life.  I’m only being considered for a lack of options.)

No... not even close.  

Yes, it’s infuriating and inhumane.  But of course this vintage of the GOP doesn’t believe they (or anyone with dark skin) is human. From what I’ve seen, the black voters have pretty fully shut down Trump now. I wonder what this will do to the Hispanic vote.

Who are these people?  Just incels?  I can’t imagine how a young person could embrace this.  Are they cavedwellers?

At this point, I think all we can do is wait for them to die of strokes and COVID.  Given their average age, time is on our side.  But, man it’s a wait.