Beth Clark

White rage. Such an incredibly apt phrase, and yet it sounds like the Hulk version of white tears. I feel like they were like, "oh y'all want to make fun of us with terms like white tears? How about we bring those tears to the White House." It's kind of like we made fun of something and then it mutated into its final

I agree. Some viewers enjoy his good moments on the show so much that they consider that his true nature. Whereas most of his comments, points of view, and reactions have seemed dismissive and disagreeable to me. IMHO, the viewers who think that Dancing Danny is his main core have set themselves up for

I respectfully disagree. The show used to be on Fox, with all of the restraints of a sitcom on TV. Now that it's not on Fox, the show can explore other things, more realistic things. You actually don't know what the show is "supposed to be." The show doesn't have to neatly tie a ribbon on storylines, like Full House

Well said. I want to read more of your writing.

Agreed entirely.

Agreed. They always cleaned up his out-of-line comments with something sweet-adjacent, as though it showed his true heart.

How do you know the actresses were fired for no real reason? Just curious. I don't claim to know anything about the situations.

Venezia69, you just proved Duante's point. All the things you mentioned were *written in this season.* Therefore, the writers are *making* the character of Danny Castellano be this way. That is how they are massacring the character, which was Duante's point, which you replied to.