
It’s a perfect representation, but not for the reasons you’re thinking. Shit like this is EXACTLY what has driven people to Trump. People are tired of being told what they “really think” and hearing moral supremacists preach from on high. They’d rather watch this whole thing burn to the ground, and who can blame them?

No, they want to say “fuck you” to the people that have been shitting in their mouths for the past decade. Enjoy your megalomaniac president.

More like #thanksgawker

On the topic of PC failures, have a pic of the panel that Clark was giving her presentation at from SXSW. What a turn out!

Uh oh, sounds like Evan’s got a case of Muh Soggy Knee!

Eh, I’d say these particular guys are pretty safe. On several levels.

Wow, she’s fat.

Is Kotaku going to cover SXSW? There were panel’s concerning harassment in gaming by Brianna Wu and Randi Harper, as you can see from this packed room at their event:

So is Kotaku covering SXSW? They’re having panels concerning harassment in gaming, as you can see from the photos of the packed event

Is Kotaku going to cover SXSW? Brianna Wu had a panel, as you can see from this packed audience:

So is Kotaku going to cover SXSW at all? They’re doing panels on internet harassment, as you can see from this pic of Brianna Wu’s “packed” panel lol

You’re right, there are double standards. Had she been a man, Kesha would be in court on perjury charges right now after her previous admission that Luke did nothing to her.

At least someone is getting laid. Justin sure ain’t... though his wife certainly is.

I’m amazed her husband takes her anywhere. If I were a cuck like him I’d be terrified of people fucking her.

I just don’t get it. Why not just go whole hog and be a cam whore? At least they’re honest about what they are. Most of these streamers seem to be in some kind of weird denial about what they do.

I guess she was able to save up and afford some self respect.

Shit, they are lighting protesters up left and right! I might just have to vote Trump.

I’m pretty sure they are referring to protesters that try to shut down speech. In which case, well... play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I’m amazed it took this long for one of these whiners to get clipped.

Of course it’s still relevant. Companies just don’t rely on gaming “journalists” for exposure anymore, and do direct feeds on Youtube and the like.