
Fear them... why? Because they say things that might offend you? Who cares? Should feminism be feared because it says offensive shit?

Who is “MRA’s?” You seem to be thinking of pick up artists in this case. The top billed issue I’m hearing about out of the manosphere right now is male suicide.

Depends on where you fall in the poverty line. It isn’t so great when you are in need of assistance, but get passed over due your skin color or gender.

“exhaustion relating to Gamergate”

Yeah I know, some people might have their feelings hurt. Can’t explore flawed characters or uncomfortable subjects, nope. Especially considering that the whole “gay conversion” thing was completely misrepresented in order to stoke outrage.

Sounds like people didn’t understand what the “homophobic” scene was all about. But whatever, just another stepping stone in a long line of PC bullshit. And on what grounds did they drop the “groping” thing? You can do that with male characters too so it can’t be a gender issue.

What is your problem? You are consistently one of the most bad faith posters I see on this site.

I’m surprised you aren’t more supportive of anti censorship.

It’s a hot button issue because of all the controversy lately over moral issues and whether they enforce sexism, etc, much like how censorship over violence was a hot button issue in the 90's. People are paying attention to more minor fringe cases like the buttslap thing because these fringe cases are always the first

It means that she recognizes a problem, but people are more interested in sitting around and signalling their moral superiority than actually doing something.

Shit, I wish I had some of that institutionalized racism to blame my problems on. Like painkillers for the ego.

Holy shit, fuckin’ Bella knocked it out of the park. I see this all the time on blogs like this, from people lamenting... say, equal numbers in STEM fields. If it is such a problem, then why did you get a gender studies degree and a job at a blog rather than going into STEM yourself?

I never got this argument. Couldn’t that also be taken to mean that 99.94% of rapes didn’t happen?

Who is “they?” Because if you are going to accuse one group of something just because it is convenient, then it would also be fair to start laying blame without evidence for things like the multiple bomb threats, syringes and knives sent in the mail, threats and personal information leaks that the people you dislike

And see, I don’t get why people are getting on his ass for that. It seems like a mature decision to realize you have an issue with social media and should probably stop using it. I wish more people would do that.

Make amends for being involved in Gamergate? Because he took issue with the way journalists and publishers were behaving behind the scenes? The man has said a hundred times that he isn’t involved in any side of GG. What’s funny is that any time someone brings up an issue, people like you immediately equate that with

Oh fuck off you miserable shit. No one was talking about GamerGate and this issue with TB is unrelated to it as well. You petty fucks over in the aGG camp sure do love to hijack a topic to make it about your pet cause of the week.

They do if a report is filed.

“Hey kids, are you *down* with PC? Because it’s the hip new way to roll!”

Oh I hope he sues. There are writers on this very website that have gotten away with far more egregious shit than twitter beefing, and the shit this guy got put through was insane.