
Annnd you just proved my point about feminists.

Sadly Frem Feq does not think like that for example. They call it even dangerous. This is the writer and co director of Fem Freq.

$100 says you are probably perfectly fine with these outfits though and probably don’t bat an eye about it and I certainly wouldn’t roll my eyes at it because I just don’t care as its just a damn video game.

Yeah, we know that people who like to be outraged at everything are the “gamergate” guys.…
The most relevant maybe. Google first page search. Tweets are really funny after Steven Totilo’s article about how they were blacklisted.

It is a perfectly valid thing to say, because SJW nonsense is exactly the type of high handed bullshit that gets in the way when someone wants to make a game with sex or blood or whatever. Even more infuriating are the people that peddle that bullshit who then want to backpedal and claim they had nothing to do with

One could argue that creating an environment that causes a company to not release a product you want is taking it away from you. Just because someone isn't kicking your door down doesn't mean they aren't impacting your choices. But I appreciate the courteous reply. Pinkies up yo.

Why do the people who work at Kotaku always get so butthurt and throw snarky remarks at people who question them?

The problem is that Anita, the SJWs, and by extension the gaming journos, who are mostly SJWs, have created a culture that doesn’t tolerate games they determine to be “exploitation” of women.

That’s funny, based of this tweet, I am buying more stuff from them. Your #SJW is what is making america a crappier country. Take your feelings in the corner and suck your thumb in a fetal position. That should make everything better. Here’s a trophy for participating, though!

They didn’t point at anyone or any group. They pointed at the SJW nonsense that Tecmo themselves stated as the reason why they weren’t bringing the game to the region in which it gets the best sales. Then the SJW’s, their triggering intensified, came out to make threats and ended up getting made fools of.

We made a big deal of it because as soon as PA tweeted about SJW nonsense, every SJW on twitter including Luke Plunkett came and started spewing their SJW nonsense. After which they got soundly BTFO and we doubled PA’s subs in less than a day.

I’m sure “manchildren” don’t really care about judgement calls on their character. They are more concerned with SJW’s trying to ruin content for everyone.

You may not, but games like this have been featured in Anita’s videos as examples of “problematic” games. She has fueled a culture that is entirely anti-lewd games, and it has grown into a problem that has developers scared now due to the social media backlash they are able to create. You don’t look for these kinds of

The person behind the play-asia tweets got threats to be prepared about losing his job from people who disagreed about his views.

The thing is though, this is an example of the boogeyman coming and actually taking someone’s toys away.It sounds like this game will not come west because people who never would have bought and played it complained about it.

Because you, dear journalists, made a big deal out of it and made it into another equality/progressivenes/sexism or whatever talk. If not for you no one would give a damn.