
If you wish to concede the argument, simply stop replying.

You have no proof that GG has harassed anyone, in fact, Women Action Media did an analysis of Twitter that backs this up. That is to say, your own side couldn’t even find evidence after doing their own investigation.

I love how the panels intentionally avoid association with “GamerGate,” while this article assesses their relationship to it in not only most paragraphs, but the headline itself. Then out of the woodwork come those eager to resume the same tired arguments over Anita Sarkeesian for the N’th time.

Butt Sniffin requires a disclosure:

Like the ones that made threats to the “GG” panel, right? Those guys are totally not idiots and completely legitimate. Looks like you support their threats of violence.

Except there’s no actual proof that GGers harass. Go to a place like /r/KotakuInAction, see if anyone harasses you. It’s the largest congregation of GGers on the net, so surely, harassment will occur. But, I’d be willing to bet it won’t.

As of this moment, there is no evidence of any threats aside from the anti gamer organization over twitter to shut down the GG panel, which ironically got their own panel canned as well.

Because Randi Harper is a known doxer and harasser, and spearheaded a harassment campaign to block the GG panel from the event.