*female domestic violence victims.
*female domestic violence victims.
Why not? I enjoy slinging dick, no further reason needed. I suppose we will see how things pan out later, but if the men I know are any indication, I am not worried.
The women that pursue those careers get them. Those that don’t, don’t. I’ve seen more than my fair share of women back off of their work ethic for one reason or another, either due to wanting kids or to work fewer hours. Those women tend to get put on the back burner. It is what it is.
You could take this site and it’s commentariat as a sample size.
That would be because equality does not imply unfair advantage. There really isn’t a way that you can spin affirmative action to mean equality. Besides, even with quotas (which already exist in most major tech companies) they still can’t find enough people qualified to fill them. A gender studies degree will not get…
That only seems to be talking about hiring results, not why it pans out that way. Everything I’ve read about STEM jobs and degrees is that women simply don’t go for them. There are already tons of initiatives in place to try and get women or minorities into tech. Until said people actually take that initiative,…
That seems to be the narrative, but I haven’t seen any evidence to support it. Asian and White dudes are the ones that pursue these degrees and jobs for the most part. If you wish to correct this problem, then get more women into tech. Or I dunno, apply yourself? Why haven’t you done it?
Not really. Tech jobs can’t seem to get enough women into their quotas because not enough of them have the appropriate degrees.
Because few women, much less a smaller demographic of them, go through tech courses. Believe it or not, gender studies majors tend to go into blogging rather than real tech.
Get the dick while you can. You can play the MILF market until your early 40’s if you keep in shape.
Hook up with a younger guy while you still can. Some guys like a MILF.
Can’t we? I am currently dating a 19 and a 22 year old. I’m about to turn 30.
Can’t fight nature. Girls in their 20’s have more to offer sexually and physically. I’m nearly 30, and both of my current FWBs are 19 and 22. It is what it is.
Not a lot of women, or black women, go into tech. Actual tech, blogging does not count as being a “woman in tech.”
I’m amazed that some of you have jobs at gaming sites.
I’ll never understand why people found it ok to dogpile him, but when the same thing happened to Zoe Quinn it caused an outrage. Well, actually I do understand, rather it is the moral crusaders that don’t seem to get it.
Glad to see a Patty article unrelated to rape for a change.
What in the FUCK are you talking about? I never said women’s objectification or any other issue didn’t exist. I didn’t even say that men had it worse or equal in that regard. I said that it was worse than anyone is giving it credit for, and will do endless mental backflips to excuse it when women are doing the…
And you seem to have me lumped in with people like Paul Elam when I’ve never identified myself as an MRA. You’re just as guilty here, the difference is that I have yet to belittle women’s issues. A mistake many people seem to make when they look at people who bring notice to male problems.
Derailed? You were the one cracking jokes about men’s issues. Don’t show your ass and then get pissy when someone puts their foot in it.