Where is “here” and what do you both do at that job?
Put in the extra 20 hours a week that men do, and go into a field that pays more than blogging at Gawker.
So basically, they’re coming from the same places, but they’re trying to skirt the issue yet again. Great.
Is Hillary giving you a “Hot Bill” to shill for her?
I keep fucking telling people, there are a vast number of people that want to watch this shit burn down. Trump is getting close. We need Bernie, because Hillary won’t beat him.
Worse how? In numbers or severity?
It’s just some skin, who cares? I got my dick cut, it wasn’t a big deal apparently.
When were you cut?
Oh who cares, it’s just some skin.
Yeah. Don’t mind our dicks being cut or anything.
I note that she didn’t post a link to the video. She can attribute whatever she likes to his intentions, but his call outs on the media are precisely on point. They fucked this whole thing up based on an emotional appeal, and in the end did more harm than good and even ended up boosting his fame.
I’m not interested in the politics. Some of the things he brings up in this interview are very interesting, and I would be interested to hear what journos have to say about it.
So is Jez going to cover the Roosh press conference with the media that attended? After all the coverage it seems relevant:
So is Jez going to cover the Roosh press conference that the media attended? After all the coverage, it seems relevant:
So is Jez going to cover the Roosh press conference that happened in response to all the coverage? I think it’s pretty relevant:
Nah, the Black Panthers are all bark and no bite. Even back in the 60's they basically amounted to BLM and their campus whining. They did run some soup kitchens though, that was cool.
I’m not sure I’m buying Beyonce’s schtick, but I always thought the black panther get up was hot.
Gaming sites are dying off left and right. Youtube is the future. Kotaku and Dtoid aren’t far behind.