
Oh shit, how did you know? Normally I just say “fuck them all to death” , but through your constant cyber stalking and obsession you’ve managed to suss out that I hate Hispanics because I think they should get the same rights and responsibilities as anyone else here.

That’s great and all, but we can’t even take care of our documented poor. Get on the grid and pay taxes, and you’re good. If you’re caught living here illegally, you should be fined but given a chance to naturalize. If you really can’t be bothered, then it probably isn’t a dire need for you to be here.

Pfft. Beyonce is whiter than lady Gaga, and more mannish that both Gaga and Hillary combined. I can’t believe people don’t use the half time for taking a shit.

Is this your first election or something?

I didn’t say I was going to do that, I said I was tempted to. I think a lot of people are tempted to just sit back and watch it all burn down rather than deal with more identity politics. If Hilary gets in over Bernie, even despite all the ways he’s proven himself and she’s been implicit in shady shit, it’s going to

Why, because they’ve been squatting here longer?

I dunno. I think there are enough disenfranchised people that are fed up with the way politics are being played (and lets be honest, the regressive left has a lot to do with that) that there is a real temptation for people to throw it to Trump, just to say “fuck it.”

The “Bernie Bros” thing is a dogwhistle, much like any other sort of gender pandering going on here. Bernie isn’t responsible for that.

If Clinton gets the nod, then we’re all going to have to worry about Trump. Sanders will beat Trump. Clinton will drive people to him.

And who are you to make me? What’s your next level after “get out?”

I’ll be the judge of where my voice belongs. Whether or not I choose to acknowledge your “pussy pass” is entirely up to me.

I didn’t even say I was voting for Sanders. I could be voting for Trump for all you know (and wouldn’t that just chap your ass?). I didn’t even bring up an issue with Clinton, I brought up an issue with Steinem.

And? I’m a cis white male that happens to be right. Most of her ideas are rooted in feminism’s arguably most combative and hateful era. If the #notallfeminists crowd is sincere about turning around their running PR disaster of the last several years, then you guys need to start rooting out the bad actors and the

Can she get tossed out now? The 2nd wave was meant to die ages ago, and much of feminism’s image problem comes from these old white women.

So what happens when they start holding parties with models but don’t invite women so as to not offend them?

I wish I could tell if people were felating Miles because he is a good character, or if he is getting a boost from the Progressive Stack. The state of journalism over the past couple years makes it impossible for me to tell anymore.

No one hopes Patty will have sex with them. Aside from maybe Anna Anthropy.

Because sex is related to how she gets her stories and how she got her job.

Because its funny. You guys catch a lot of jokes at your expense, in case you hadn’t noticed.

What’s that supposed to do?