Pork Chop Express

banning 4 people? there goes half the playerbase.

Who? Oh, it’s just some crazy attention starved lunatic. Nothing to see here, moving along. 

Why? Look where respecting democracy has gotten the country.

I am interested in your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. 

Seems like it must be a pure cost-cutting measure, he’s been on a relatively big contract compared to other fighters at his competitive level since the very beginning.  

But enough about our President, folks. Let’s get to the rankings. 

In my opinion it’s very weird to pose the NBA’s strongly anti-labor cap-and-max system as being something people with pro-labor politics should support.

This article led me down deep Basketball Reference and YouTube rabbit holes that have, somehow, resulted in the following Hot Takes:

Hanging around long past his usefulness? What is this guy, a baby boomer in middle management?

And I think we all remember how that went.

Considering Monopoly was first created as a tool to show the dangers of income inequality and wealth concentration, there might be no more fitting game for society’s current Gilded Age 2.0 woes than one born out of Gilded Age 1.0.

If I can’t use a piece of avocado toast as my game token, then I’m not interested!

Great video but no way this doesn’t feature in at least a half-dozen 2020 GOP commercials. 

Just draining the swamp. Thank God there’s no pay to play in this administration.

Remember, it’s “too soon” to talk about sensible gun control measures (and while I am not for a ban on all firearms, I would have zero issue seriously revisiting access, possession, and exercise laws, with a view toward making them more restrictive).

We can only offer “thoughts and prayers” at this time—nevermind that

To clarify, “sitting” while playing for Thibs means Butler will only play 41 minutes tonight.

Whether they intented to mislead customers or not, their advertising doesn’t match the product being offered for sale. Regardless of intent, that’s not okay.

Hope you're doing well Fahey.  Glad to see your name on Kotaku again.  

Well, at least we know where Cave Johnson was working in the 50s and 60s...