
I just want to add that parents aren’t the only ones who need flexibility. Primary caregivers (read: usually women) of other adults (e.g. sick parent, spouse, sibling, even friends) also require flexibility. This is an issue that can effect anyone, regardless of their procreative status.

“I sure hope — we’re in Bernie Sanders’ backyard here in New Hampshire — I sure hope he intends to show up in his neighboring state”...“There is nothing worse than a debate about debates.”

But that is what is going to make the Oscar media coverage GREAT! Can’t you see the red carpet interviews now?

Thank you, I feel like Im alone in this! Everyone keeps saying how great she was but all I saw was horrible overacting, a horrendous accent and a decent singer. I was not impressed.

So unrelated, but I fucking love your handle and I miss playing the sims SO MUCH. amazing. 100 stars for you lol

...and where, in the article, or any other article related to it, does Malala make this US-centric? Malala is Pakistani, and she now resides in the UK. The conference is for world leaders. I know this may be hard to believe, but not everything revolves around the USA. Not even with the current gravitational pull of a

(insert “why not both?” gif)

You should have written a longer post to help make your point

God DAMMIT. This poor kid stuck with me. Kids that have to go through a huge amount of misery early on in their lives affect me, always have affected me, in an undefinable gut-punch way. She already had a tracheotomy, a LIVER transplant for god sake, the worst was behind her, right? And she still ends up like this.

Over the holidays, I was eavesdropping on my brother and his friend talking about girls, and my brother has a girlfriend right now, but things are just kinda eh between them. And he said that he’s afraid he won’t find another girl on his same social intelligence level. I actually did a spit take, which sucked because

I think men and women do not necessarily want something else - but men already KNOW that they will be appreciated for their intellect - we grow up being taught again and again that smarts is attractive in a guy. For women, however, we learn that we are defined by our (interchangeable and fading) looks, but since we

Officer: Alright, Mr. Manziel. We’re going to keep this short and to the point. Now we understand you have been spending a lot of time in Fort Worth lately and there have been conflicting reports as to what happened here today. So I want you to tell me the truth. I’ve been doing this a long time and I’m not going to

I think it's like a dog whistle. You can't hear it above a certain iq.

As long as she’s not throwing up to maintain her girlish shark figure.

Aw, jeez, come on. I identify with sloths, but I’m not Rachel Dolezaling myself into a sloth, the way this chick is into a cat.

Whenever I hear somebody use female as a noun while referring to humans, it is an immediate sign to me that whatever is coming out of their mouth will be deeply rooted in misogyny. I have yet to be wrong.