Mortimer Brewster

I don’t care. And anybody who wants to find me to potentially do me harm or for whatever other reason can do so through multiple public means. You don’t have to be a world-class hacker to gain more intrusive information about me (home address, license plate, driver record, how much I paid for my house, etc.) just from

You should be able to get out the door with a single-cab 2wd GMC Sierra for under $40k, assuming you can find one and don’t mind it being white (there are like two or three listed within 100 miles of me that would be under $40K once TT&L is added, etc).

I saw one for the first time in the real world this past weekend here in the Dallas suburbs. It was fine, I guess.

He has a lot of DUIs.

My neighbor with the aging VW CC will be crushed that he won’t be able to get the closest recent VW to what he has when he’s finally in the market for a new car once his driving privileges are restored.

I almost bought a Lincoln Corsair, but I ended up buying a Cadillac XT4 instead (I had gone to look at a CT4, but my wife insisted that I needed a crossover). I sometimes regret that decision, though I mostly regret that I didn’t just get a Civic Si.

My youngest child is trans but in an effort to avoid causing trouble, he would use the women’s restroom in public because that’s what state leaders told him was appropriate. However, every time he did, he was yelled at by someone for trying to use the women’s restroom when he looks like a boy.

Ha. I couldn’t even get any regulatory or law enforcement agency to even bother to turn their heads my way when I brought them solid, written evidence of a dealership violating various consumer protection laws in my state. If I got any reply at all, it was only to say that some other agency enforced that particular

Grocery shopping, we’ve moved completely to just doing the curbside pick-up. So the only time I go in-store is for a small handful of things if we run out midweek or if we forgot to order with our regular groceries. I certainly prefer the self-checkout for that.

It’s errors like this that make things valuable. Like that stamp with the upside down plane. Or the ‘Fuck Face’ baseball card.

Hello Porsche. It’s Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Porsche. You know that new ad you’re looking for?...”

I kind of like how a lot of spin-offs used to work. Some cousin or teacher or alien shows up out of the blue for one or two episodes and then, bang, they gotta a whole show about them in which their origin is almost never again mentioned unless the ratings are crap.

I mean, that’s only one bum season (Skywalker de-aged was at the end of Season 2) out of three, so maybe they can right the ship going forward.

Thankfully Sheldon Adelson has been significantly less involved in politics personally in the past two years. 

When Dallas was considering limiting high-speed chases, the data showed that nearly all of the drivers who ran weren’t wanted for anything or, if they had a warrant, it was for minor misdemeanor offenses, suspended licenses, or unpaid tickets. Dallas ultimately decided to limit high-speed chases to certain

I’m sure between this and the prices of ingredients going back down, they will be lowering their retail prices quite a bit, he said without laughing somehow.

That wasn’t Dave Foley. That was Enema Bag Jones.

I don’t know about ‘getting away with it.’ In Dallas County, people are routinely convicted of intoxication manslaughter (a 2nd degree felony), though the actual punishment doled out can be relatively light (the statutory punishment is 2 to 10 years, but the judge can probate the entire sentence and impose

Mine keeps blowing cold air when auto-stopped unless the temperature on the A/C is set to ‘Lo’ which is where it is almost all the time in my Texas summers (and falls and springs and sometimes winters), then it just doesn’t auto-stop. On any other temperature, it keeps blowing cold air and stops the engine.

Where I lived, we tended to call them by the model name.