Mortimer Brewster

Americans (except for a small handful) couldn’t buy the S-Class coupe right now despite its current availability. Its starting price is more expensive than my house was when we bought it.

The “spirited” defense of the indefensible doesn’t have to be true. As a matter of fact, it’s usually not.

They should have just shouted something about their heritage and claimed that whoever spoke ill of their Nazi-era actions just hated capitalism and despised Germany.

GM stores those SUVs out at Hensley Field, which is also where the Robert E. Lee statue removed from a Dallas-area park currently resides (and where the Ebola nurse lady’s dog briefly lived while in quarantine).

My girlfriend circa 1995-96 had a very brown one one of these from around this vintage. We were not good together and my bad feelings and memories for her have leaked out all over every Volvo that even remotely resembles that model.

I think you’ve successfully diagnosed the source of the odor.

I’ve been driving a Kia Optima for a little over a year now, and it only smells like french fries.

Our most recently adopted dog got much bigger (though not really that big in the grand scheme of dog sizes), but I’ve given up hope on the stupid cheweenie puppy my daughter adopted ever getting any larger.

Didn’t you read the “Neutral” section?

I had a 2012 Passat. I liked it. It had good driving feel compared to other cars of that size/class and was roomy and comfortable at what seemed like a very competitive price.

As long as there is fake wood paneling on the sides, I’m in.

My Dad is still in the relatively early stages of dementia, but his driving was just reckless and dangerous to him and everyone sharing the road with him. We (my sister, brothers, and I) started having the discussion about how to approach taking his car away, and then he solved the issue for us by getting into an

Audi isn’t getting invited to the next “independent” test, I’ll bet.

You’re right. I was just thinking about the Corvette and the availability story posted yesterday.

Ram trucks have the compartments in he truck bed sides available.

The put it in a cage with a guy in a gorilla costume like they used to do for American Tourister luggage.

So in GM-speak, the price will start at $59,995 but good luck ever finding one at that price point.

I just turned 49.

I left the house this morning with my car telling me I had 43 miles left before I needed gas. That wouldn’t have happened if I had an electric car I could charge overnight!

I remember when a bunch of Audi 5000s were (allegedly) unrestrained.