Mortimer Brewster

I am also confused by the on-going “Buick - it’s so boring it doesn’t stand out at all and is easily confused with everything else” marketing.

As a person who was burned by my decision to give GM a third chance after the first two fiascos (none of which were SUVs in my case), I’ve sworn off the brand almost completely for good (I would consider a Corvette if that were something I could afford), even though I’m sure they’re probably fine these days.

Heated rear seats? If the people back there wanted heated seats, they should have driven themselves instead of hitching a ride with me.

I know everything is super fast now, but I will never get over a big ol’ heavy SUV like that having that kind of acceleration when my tiny little Mitsubishi Eclipse Turbo from high school was like 50% slower to 60 mph.

Perhaps instead of continuing to dig deeper, they should consider climbing out of the rut.

I have an MBA, and I don’t disagree.

As shitboxes go, it was iconic.

I buy new cars frequently (and my wife moreso) and we have purchased many a Ford in the past.

This post may or may not have been improved by the picture of an ungodly-button-filled steering wheel from a ‘90s era Pontiac that I attempted to post.


We paid $107,000 for our then-brand new home in suburban Dallas, but good luck finding a house in our area for that price now.

Yes. Wanting a company that used to make good cars to build cars that aren’t shitty now is definitely being a car snob. Looking at Nissan’s dismal sales, I’d say we’re a fast growing group if not wanting a Nissan is all it takes to join.

We drove a new Altima last summer, and you couldn’t convince me that the steering wheel was connected to anything. There are cruise liners with better steering feel.

Can having to take a Nissan Altima really be described as winning?

Sometimes my wife will get it into her head that she absolutely has to do something right that second, and sometimes that thing is buying a new car. Most recently, she had a lease that had like 18 months left on it, and she wanted to trade for something else. I told her that nobody would be able to do a deal like that

I wonder how common a figure like 2.7% of gross is for health insurance in the US. Even with an employer picking up a portion of our costs, our out of pocket just for health insurance is around 10% of our gross income at present.

Since the average age of a Corvette driver is somewhere around 160, it would stand to reason that they’d go through a lot of different hands in a short amount of time.

I bought a used Passat a few yeas back (later destroyed by a hail storm), and the dealership printed out the CarFax for us. There was a section about the car being used as a rental car (or something like that), and it was checked “No” on this particular car. But then the previous owner was like Bob’s Car Rental

I wouldn’t think it at all likely, either. As weird as some SC cases are or how dumb some of their rulings are, ruling that a clearly written part of the Constitution is Unconstitutional would be a big step beyond anything that’s happened before.

“The Downward Spiral” worked out pretty well for Nine Inch Nails, maybe it’ll be good for Nissan, too.