“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”
Jack Bauer would’ve stayed in.
Hope there aren’t any scissor lifts in use.
Graft versus Host disease is real my friends...
In fairness when they yell “go back to your country” Toronto fans usually mean America.
It’s funnier if you imagine that the fan was John Henry
As a Yankees fan that lives in Boston, I have to say this is a fun Red Sox team to watch.
This would matter if anyone cared about the WNBA.
Seton Hall finally provides internet access, eh?
McCourty is a smart dude (and a fellow Rutgers alum.)
If you ask me, they shouldn’t have been playing in Temple to begin with.
This is disgusting. Look how many of these players are kneeling and not showing the proper respect to the Lord.
Up until about, oh, ninety seconds ago I was a firm opponent of the death penalty.
If that were a ranking, I’m thinking Ball State would be a strong case for #1
Right here.
This is not Gawker
That kid totally looks like a Wii avatar.
Just saw this on my Facebook newsfeed.