
more like cock operator amirite

This poor guy is trying to enjoy a baseball game and came out wearing his team’s logo. But the (non-Native American, mind you) liberals at Deadspin have to criticize him for wearing Indian gear.

One thing I don’t understand about Deadspin is how white people get so involved with something they have no idea about. Deadspin writers are just liberal bullshitting SJWs. Who are you to decide that something is racist if you’re not the group being offended?

Aw, an image of a Native American is used to represent a sports team. Better cry up a fucking storm and bitch about it.

This is that bullshit that the tiny kid from Hoosiers used.

Might Have”

is deadpin liberal

This would matter if anyone cared about the WNBA.

Much better than the other New York sports Sanchez from 2009.

The music in the background is so fitting for the kids.

Yes. You’re the one who is going to suffer. If you can’t handle this work, get a new job you asshat.

Is anyone else not surprised because this guy’s name is Jerry Jones?

If you think this is a bad idea then you are a socialist moron.

You could replace the word “hand” with “dick” and the article would still make sense.

“Superman one more time!”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bobby Thomson hit THE homer 64 years ago today. Some in Bklyn still in mourning. And Happy 64th to you, Dave Winfield.</p>&mdash; Bob Ryan (@GlobeBobRyan) <a href="…">January 6, 2016</a></blockquote>

To be fair (As a NYY fan), both Mussina and Schilling had crappy seasons in the mid-2000s.

Mike “Must Be Seen In The Hall Of Fame” Mussina

Plan to _______ Chuck Pagano?

I think Edmonds is a sleeper candidate. Not a first/second year ballot, but definitely into 2012 as less and less amazing players come onto the ballot.