
But is it really rehashing if the majority of the population isn't actually aware of those stories? If you walk up to a random person and ask them to tell you about Sherlock Holmes and The Sign of Four, will they be able to tell you about the story? I would be willing to bet the majority of people wouldn't know the

"There are billions of good stories also waiting to be told. Why not let those have a moment, as well?"

Yes, I completely agree with you. We should never ever do another production of any of Shakespeare's plays, Mozart's operas, Tchaikovsky's ballets, Jane Austin's novels or anything that has ever been done before. Instead we should make all new stories and sell them by stealing the names of famous characters that might

No, I'd prefer to see the original stories done well. Yes, some of the stories were not that great (or absolutely horrible such as "His Last Bow"), but why base a movie/episode on them when there are plenty of good stories?

True, the Sherlock episodes aren't always a one-to-one translation of a story, but if you have read all the stories you can see which stories were used as the basis of the episodes.

I'm sorry if you are not trying to be sarcastic, but that is what I am reading it as.

Oh, I'm aware that it is loosely based on Holmes, that is why I listed it. The creators of House created their own unique story, and gave their characters their own names with slight nods towards their inspiration.

You have just described all of the reasons Sherlock is better than Elementary. While it is true that there are 56 short stories, many of them are not long enough to take up more than a half hour, which provides only enough material for about two American seasons, after which point the writers will have to start coming