
Kind of like Doc Brown and Marty were really in the 50's.

Couldn't agree more.

I always liked that vagina joke on the Aristocrats

Iraq War movies
I hate to say this but I haven't seen any of the recent movies about the Iraq war - not even the good ones like Gunner Palace.

I still think there's some pretty funny bits in Almost Heros. The eggs, the guy with his ear bit off - the sheep shit story. As far as last movies go there have been a lot worse.

Wait a minute - so that means the comic strip B.C. happens before Jesus?

Having Bjork play the part of Cousin Eddie was a bold and successful move - yet I could have done with out the repeated raping of Ellen Griswold.

Old age - surrounded by family and friends.

—Walks into the ocean while texting "Sea U Laters"

The only one I remember reading - and I only read about half of it before I gave up - was one about some living- but deadly chess game - on mars.

I bet if you use that line on a date - women will magically disappear.

Sweet Sweet Haven
I would love to live in Sweet Haven. I would be like those mooks that wear the stripped shirts and move pianos around town. Sure Popeye might beat the shit out of me - but the rest of the town would feel my wrath!

I'm not your tank, Teminimen

Newer vr. Older
From my own experience I got into kung-fu movies from watching the newest films first.

Exactly - I also really hated the dog pilots that used squeaky toys as gun triggers.

I'll admit I've never read any of his fiction -but I loved his non-fiction piece on right wing radio talk show hosts.

"I recently lost my wife too."
"Sometimes that's just as bad."

The Ninth Configuration
Haha this brought back memories.

I love getting a new phone book and screaming.

Choke yourself! Not with your hand with mine!