I think she was in one of those ridiculous “God’s Not Dead” movies also.
I think she was in one of those ridiculous “God’s Not Dead” movies also.
Your instincts appeared to have been spot on. Check out her Wikipedia page - she’s a goddamn Libertarian! Also her three boys are named Mason, Tucker and Braydon. Yikes.
and you know what’s weird? Ferguson would become an extreme Bernie Bro leftist while Clarissa is a Republican now (just like MJH, ugh)
Melissa Joan Hart went right wing apologist after taking in her coins, so she, like Candace Cameron Whatserface gets no support from me.
I mean, the signs appear to just say “marching for peace,” which seems like an idea that a preschooler could get behind. After a bunch of 5 year olds got shot to death in a school, it’s not like it’s insane for other 5 year olds to be like “I don’t want to be shot to death at school.”
Thank you. Children (and adults) need to be actively taught to value and to participate in social and community endeavors. The ideas behind the march (any march for that matter) can be scaled down so that a toddler can understand.
Idk. I told the 4 year old I watch that we were protesting guns. She said “yeah like bad guys guns” and I said yes. She doesn’t like guns and hurting people. That’s what we marched for today. Don’t patronize children. They are smarter than you give them credit for.
I’m sorry you’re going through this. Do they all have to stay and listen in or can they leave for a few minutes while you talk to him? If it’s just one person holding the phone for him just say what you have to say. No matter what, saying good bye matters more. It’s an opportunity few people get. Take it.
And season 7's amazing “Conversations with Dead People.” Still my favorite episode of the whole series.
Right? Good christ. I’m getting entirely sick of it....the endless bashing of the same people for the same thing over and over, even when those people clearly are trying to right mistakes and do better.
So, because they’ve been less than ‘woke’ in the past, we shouldn’t acknowledge this forward movement? Or we can only acknowledge it in a dismissive manner?
Are you actually shitting on them for doing exactly what women are asking for?
We need to be careful about bashing shitty people when the shitty person in question tries to make an effort to improve themselves.
Jane Krakowski is more age appropriate as Mrs. Potts than Angela Lansbury was! Chip is supposed to be Mrs. Potts son! He’s like, iunno, 7 and Mrs. Potts is, what, 70? That doesn’t make sense!
When you join a thoroughly misogynistic organization in order to project some kind of bullshit moral high ground, you really don’t get to complain when the men tell you to do stuff. That’s literally what you signed up for. After probably decades of telling women who aren’t nuns that they’re whores for showing an…