
Only while he was acting as the chief metallurgist for King Charles V of Spain.

Umm, that’s Sir or Dame Pussy McPussface.

You’re also missing all the people who are not going to movie theaters even at $3 a ticket, because getting a babysiter is $x, maybe parking is $y, throw in even a cheap dinner at home, and yes that can add up. Not to mention it can be a major undertaking just to get out the door.

Have it shot as a flashback that Luis narrates, and I’m in! I totally want to see Luis narrate Groot’s “Groot” as a full sentence.

All of the times.

I have two swords from Advanced Light Weaponry ( Granted they are a display* version of Fidelacchius and a convention safe cane. I’m still saving money for the lightsaber version. Friends who had multiple custom sabers from ALW turned me on to the company. They were all combat capable,

No, you don’t need to turn in your man card. I watched all of Gilmore Girls when I was at Camp Fallujah. I’d borrowed it from some Marines. It was fun. Though I will admit you’ll watch anything when you have hours and hours and hours of free time and little else to do.

That being said, a PG-13 Deadpool would work from a standpoint of having the Merc with the Mouth be the only one to really curse. It would be easy to bleep him out using ambient sound effects that get more and more ridiculous. Deadpool could break the fourth wall to comment on the timing of the bleeps and finally

7) Characters can start out as archetypes and then go SO deep

With the added benefit of feral cats not devastating the local wildlife. Though, I hear PETA is doing a great job offing stray cats.

Mmm, pre-bacon.

The point is not the average moviegoer will have no reason to see the movie in the theater. The point is the average theater will not have a reason to show that film in a theater. Only studio owned franchises will do so, and then so they qualify for the Oscars.

Yeah, it’s kind of hard to have James, brother of Jesus, in the Bible and think that Mary had no other children. Granted the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church (Catholic lite, “cake or death”), and the Lutheran Church do hold to Mary’s perpetual virginity.

My take on Supernatural is the world depicted is a Humanist world. Humans don’t need an actual outside force to save them or give them worth/meaning. Humans can get the job done. Sloppily and with much blood and death, but still we get the job done. Supernatural things are either a) the problem, or b) a poor solution

Now playing

Yeah, I’d seen him as Jensen in the Losers. Funny stuff.

I know. I’ve never understood why my home gets so dusty just before watching that scene.

No, we didn’t make housecats. Cats made us build houses so they could live comfortable lives being waited on.

I see this and think of my then three year old daughter in a fast food restaurant playground. For about 3o minutes a six to seven year old boy was pushing, pulling, and holding my daughter. She didn’t seem to have the verbal skill to convince him to stop. So, she bit him.

I’m totally stealing that picture! Thanks!