
Too many of the people complaining that everyone should “get out of their way” are in situations where the right lane is going 5mph over, the left lane is going 10mph over, and they think they have some Satan-given right to go 15-20mph over the speed limit.

It doesn’t matter if it is a sandwich or a triple AAA game. That or even a small time free to play. When you go into the service industry and fail to provide the service to a paying customer and in fact cost them the product they pay for. It isn’t entitlement to ask for compensation it is how the world works.

Honestly at this point I’d kinda like some compensation because I know I am not alone in losing quite a few items now I paid money in the app for. I mean sure losing a rare Pokemon sucks but I could get over it if I wasn’t losing lures, Pokeballs, lucky eggs and other items. Some of which I bought.

I’ve had several issues since launch that have detracted me from wanting to continue to play:

During Aristotle’s time serious thought and dialogue were the province of the tiny minority of rich philosophers. Vast majority of the population were peasants who had no idea what Aristotle and his cohorts did. That’s what I meant by “mainstream”.

If you think that “serious thought and dialogue” were ever mainstream in any society, you must have lived a very sheltered life.

Yeah. Everyone has the exact same level of fitness, obviously.

It is shockingly bad. They are doing a final wipe July 27. The game is completely unbalanced, admittedly incomplete, with many zones and towns simply being carbon copies of other towns.

i think it’s shitty to bring this up over and over again. she was 17. the person she killed was her friend, which is extra horrific for her. yes she ran a stop sign, but she wasn’t driving recklessly fast or drinking. she made a mistake a year into having her license and has had to live with it since. it adds

Honestly, there are many people in the GOP to blame for the current state of affairs, including many people who worked for and were empowered by the Bush administration, but to be fair, both W. and Laura made active attempts to push back against the virulent xenophobia that Karl Rove played with to get him elected.

On the contrary, I think all nursing homes should be built on unstable cliffs.


Around IO9 (and in general) it’s a good move to assume that when people say they’re not down with something, they’re speaking honestly and in good faith. Doesn’t mean you have to agree, or are prevented from putting up a contrary argument, but starting out by implying people are cogs in some insincere “outrage

A) Because when you make the presumption of the gods of Egypt, you presume that the Gods would at least look Egyptian instead of looking like they walked off the set of GoT and 300. Hell, there were more Mediterranean/Egyptian looking people on GoT.

This is gonna sound insensitive but I honestly have NO desire or wish for all these reboots. Gilmore Girls, Full House, X files...the talk of Friends. There is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much good TV out there to waste time on what Emma is doing in college. Who the fuck cares?

For those of you who are indignant about a “street artist” who anonymously tags other peoples property to promote his brand, I get seems hypocritical.

As a Latina also supporting Hillary: expect nothing but contempt from white commenters here. They know what’s better for us and they are baffled that we dare to think for themselves and have reasons to vote for Hillary. How can we? They know what is better and they don't agree. We must be ignorant!

Looking for something that isn’t really there...

Honest question, no snark: