
But that’s the only part I liked!

It’s cool you definitely don’t look like you took that super personally for some odd reason or anything.

Dude, chill. I was joking.

Am I the only one who can’t stand Michaelangelo in this and the last movie? His voice and behavior are sooo obnoxious. He has an “inappropriate creep” quality to him that reminds me of Jonah Hill, and I want to punch Jonah Hill everytime he appears on screen.

I saw this trailer on Keanu this past weekend. It looks like one of the pretty typical CG messes that seem to flood the theatres these days. Of course, I paid to see Keanu so I don’t know if that invalidates my opinion around here. :D

The only reason Megan Fox exists in any movie is to be sexually objectified. Hell, they made a whole movie based on that premise alone: Jennifer’s Body.

Nope. Fuck this shit.

Totally disagree. First, it is connected from Peggy, Howard Stark and Jarvis to the fact the very first season dealt with the program that created The Black Widow and we saw hints to the origins of Hydra in SHIELD. Secondly, there’s no need to wire in a show set in the 40's to what’s going on in the 21st century. It’s

Completely agree, but I guess I’m not terribly surprised. I’ll miss the Jarvis/Carter relationship the most.

I hope they at least wrap up Agent Carter’s cliffhangers, somehow. Maybe have a few AoS episodes half-dedicated to the past of Peggy Carter and how she wrapped things up and created SHIELD. At least.

But... Agent Carter is so much better than Agents of Shield! Agents of Shield has been such hit or miss for me...

I was never really excited for Most Wanted though. No idea what they were going to do with it and the episode sending the characters off was so contrived....

Agent Carter has been absolutely delightful and it will be such a shame if they cancel it. And when you consider that... what the hell else are they going to put on in the span of time that Agent Carter has been, why not just ride it out? Too many networks cancel a show that is at least moderately successful, only to

“Audiences are not stupid,” writes the commenter, as the joke flies over their head. ;)

  • Monetization Designer: “We could charge the player $.99 to open the door now, or wait 24 hours for it to open automatically.”

“Well we’ve clocked the tortoise at 1 mile per hour...”

Now playing

This is a much better commercial cover of Space Oddity. Not as good as the original (pretty much impossible to be so), but solid.

This actually looks pretty exciting, at least for someone who plays COD mainly for the single players stuff. Certainly more exciting than imagining myself in a frozen forest.

I wonder what you mean by “looks like crap”, because it’s pretty damn stunning visually. Their updated engine works and looks great on new consoles ever since AW.