
Not being able to quickly scroll trough the list like i use to be able to makes it so i never click more then once on a list before closing the windows, Please fix it.

For a few people like my self the game wont even start on pc because of a CPU AVX2 requirement. Uncharted pc release had the same problem it was patched nearly a month after the game released, but there is no way to tell if that will happen here. hopefully but maybe not time will tell.

The thumb nail pic is giving me all kinds of uncanny valley feelings. is it a woman with her hands behind her back because her radio on her best and the wire going towards her back at first looks like really small and creepy arms. I thought it was AI generated art at first.  

I already RARELY buy a new game right when it comes out. it doesn’t help that most games can be bought for 40 bucks only after a month or two of release. Many times within a few weeks but usually not the AAA releases. The value of gaming software drops sharply after release, outside of a few like call of duty which

What is the point of all these different affliction when you end up ignoring it pretty much right from the start. that said i had no idea there were so many most of the time i get a depuff and just ignore it because i can.

Well, Either someone or a lot of someone’s just got fired, unless they find one middle manger who was on record for saying we don’t need no more hard drives.

ya, I’m not buying a new Diablo 4 expansion every bloody year. the hype for this game seems liked it died the moment the first season comes out. i leveled a wizard to 78 and then the season hit and my friends were just not interested.

Ok, For some reason the bear fucking has put all plot concerns i have to rest probly going to end up buying this now if there willing to risk doing this they will be willing to take major risks with the rest of the plot.

Playing a nazi in a roleplaying game doesnt make you a nazi anymore then playing a Tech priest in a 40k tabletop game makes me suddenly want to horde all the secrets of technology and make it illegal for anyone but my cult to know how to build a iphone.

The governor may be a bit of a nut but that said I’m not sure I feel like Disney should of been running what was its own damn country inside the US. the fact its been doing so for decades is kind of crazy Look up the history of the police force inside there special zone the amount of power they had to detain and hold

Meh this sounds to me like the general problem a lot of people have where if you insult someone on the internet it isn’t “real” the number of times I’ve heard someone threating me online in forum or games is beyond count. its only been in the last few years efforts are being takin to tone that down.

When i first played the game on PS3 and got to this point i just didn’t believe the firefly’s about there being a cure to begin with. What exactly is it that the they need to remove from Ellie body that would result in her death that is needed to make a cure? my personal take was they were so damn desperate and still

Every game I've picked up over the years when it was on deep sale 3-5 bucks.

What the hell does any of this have to do with bloodborne.