
And most Islamic worshippers are terrorists and misogynists and video gamers are one more Grand Theft Auto away from real-life murder, so on and so forth. On face value, this guy went over the edge because of a supreme sense of rejection - nothing at all about MRA - yet people have made him and his acts about that. I

Dang Gurl That Ass Is Being Viewed Through My Natural Instinct To Find The Female Form Attractive Just Like When You Look At A Man's Ass And Don't Feel The Need To Say That His Ass Is Not A Reflection Of His Personal Worth Because Unlike Men You Don't Have to Apologize For Your Sexual Drive.

It was likely inspired by last weeks "penis Inspection" prank that circulated at a Bay Area high school.

It might be more productive to call the colleges of anyone who fell for this...

Sure, ruin his/her future because of a pretty harmless prank played in highschool. I <3 Jezebel.

That is where you're wrong.

This website always talks about how the perpetuation of gender stereotypes by society makes it hard for people. They always talk about how the Photoshop in magazines creates body image issues in people. They go on and on about how the words people say, contribute to the oppression of

You can feel whatever you like.

You can feel the earth is 6000 years old. You can feel like you saw a UFO. You can feel like someone is watching you. You can feel like you're too fat. You can feel like the world is out to get you.

You can fell a lot of things....but sometimes....yes....sometimes, those feelings need to

I meant no disrespect.

Because we're talking publicly here, I'm not talking about you specifically, for the sake of you and others. When I say "or feel you were" it is because it is well understood that humans (especially under the influence of mind altering substances) can misinterpret situations.

I'll explain.


No no, you took it wrong.

I'm not saying we don't discuss these things. We can discuss them all we like. My point is we need to be very careful with the language we use. Alleged rapist, is by far not the same thing as saying rapist.

Ok...this may be hard for me to say with elegance, but bare with me.

If you were raped

#2) So, I was in a situation like this except I was friends with the woman and the harasser. This is harasser told dirty jokes and was flirty. It truly didn't bother me and I never considered it harassment but my friend did (though once she pointed it out I did realize and see how it would bother someone) She reported

I see your creativity with language is roughly on-par with your ability to properly punctuate. What's with the obsession with limp dicks? Judging by your angst-ridden-teenager's-posting-history, they're all you can think about. When you're done popping zits in your mom's mirror and fapping that limp dick of yours in a

Um, hello? Did everyone conveniently forget that she's a catty asshole who behaved despicably during the pageant? She's no role model for anyone, and why she's being asked to speak at a high school is beyond me. Screw her.

The new and improved Jezebel feminism: Miss America and a Belle Knox like career in porn are the new roll models and targets to achieve. Although the fact that there is no male equivalent for Miss America, and that woman porn stars make quite a lot more than the men should cause them confusion with their claims that

is this really happening? dude asks miss america to prom, gets lambasted for being a misogynistic fratbro douche on the internet. random girls make 238509729385723 youtubes a day asking every male celebrity under the sun to whatever stupid dance they're doing and OMG THEY'RE BEING SO CUTE and ALL THESE WOMEN SHOULD

And here is where the Office of Civil Rights have Universities caught between a rock and a hard place. The new guidance from OCR has made many university counsel squeamish. I am in counsel's office at a public university. OCR says be vigilent about your investigation of sexual violence complaints - absolutely ok by

Anyone else think it's a bit strange that #7 would result in a reprimand? I don't typically yell out "Shall we 69!?" before going downtown in a situation like that. Do I need to be reprimanded?

Whatever I'm done debating this. Can you cite on case that has involved a husband convicted based on the threat of leaving the marriage (the original example I cited)? I'm guessing all of your cases involve what we call "unusual facts." I've worked on these cases for long enough, I know what courts say is rape in the

No they're not. I have litigated many rape cases (in a liberal jurisdiction no less). What you are talking about is duress. Psychological and economic duress can only negate consent in the most serious (and unusual) circumstances. So unusual that I have never heard of anybody who has raised a successful claim of

I admit that I have no idea how it works in the UK but in the US rape is about force or threat of force+lack of consent.

It's kind of hard to define terms like "rape" and "sexual assault" because states use all kinds of terms to describe what's basically commonly referred to as rape. Generally, rape is distinguishable from other types of sexual assault in that 1) only women can be raped, 2) it has to be full vaginal penetration, and 3)