
Those are pretty big "most likelies.'

My thoughts exactly. If she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that these drivers were rapists, but couldn't prove it, it would still be morally problematic, but since they seem not even to be suspected of raping women, it's ... can we call it terrorism here?

He's not even condemning vigilantism. He's saying we should wait until we know whether or not the murdered men were even involved or were just symbolic targets before we start going "Fuck ya, so cool, girl power".

You're a fucking idiot.

"You don't automatically assume a murder victim is a rapist? Sounds like something a rapist would say!"

Guilty conscience for what? I hope you're not suggesting that I've raped anyone or been accused of raping anyone. I'm making light of the tendency of Jez commenters to come un-glued and their complete inability to have a reasoned conversation about a very serious subject. Those are the real trolls. And if you can't

Sounds like you didn't get the memo: on Jezebel, men are guilty of rape no matter what.

As far as we know, the bus drivers were innocent men and not the rapists she is referring to. How exactly is that badass?

But the original material it is parodying doesn't have anything of that nature. Parody becomes substantially less effective the further it gets from the source. Castration and emasculation would only be part of the "mirror image" if the opposites were part of the original.

I love the visual contrast they make, but some of the lyrics are too extreme. It's like they undid any point they made by making this when they bring up castration. It just perpetuates the stereotype that that's what feminism is all about.

I'm sorry, but this goes beyond just turning the tables into just nastiness.

So the one thing that made me uncomfortable about this video was the stuff about emasculating guys and castrating them. Isn't it...kinda problematic if we still see "emasculation" as a way to humiliate men? And is castration really equal to anything that was problematic in the original video?

That's the thing that gives me pause about Lisak's research. He defines rape very narrowly, and this narrow conception of rape appears to be primarily perpetrated by a small number of repeat offenders.

That's the thing that gives me pause about Lisak's research. He defines rape very narrowly, and this narrow conception of rape appears to be primarily perpetrated by a small number of repeat offenders.

That's kind of how I felt about the reaction to the Dr. Phil tweet. Yes, it is absolutely, not ok to have sex with someone who is too drunk to consent and that absolutely is rape. However, I've certainly had consensual sex when I've consumed enough alcohol that I wouldn't drive a car. I would have said I was drunk,

I'd wait until you hear the further definitions/categorizations before condemning them.

The good studies are qualitative and quantitive analysis of rape prosecutions. Discarding the cases that can't be easily judged, you can cherry pick the cases where the victim recanted, was found to be lying or was mentally ill. Of the rest, they study the reports, spot checking a goodly amount with direct interviews,