Probably because you are being neither fair nor clear headed.
Probably because you are being neither fair nor clear headed.
I don't understand why I'm supposed to care about this. Two autistic foreigners confound retardedly antiquated nonsense competition? Don't care.
So her confused and conflicting statements are just more proof that she's definitely telling the truth? Wow, talk about convenient.
When someone is making a very generalizing comment, it's only natural to point out that they're generalizing.
If women are all such wilting flowers then they should probably just be kept indoors at all times.
You mean breaking a stupid law that people casually break all the time and is almost never enforced? Some feminists scare me.
You obviously have very little respect for the intelligence of these high school girls. I'd be shocked if even one of them thought the letter was for reals.
Yeah, he's probably got a fridge full of dismembered women as we speak. Only a psychopath could commit a stupid high school prank that's a riff off the "penis inspection" prank that's sweeping california high schools right now.
Jezebel in a nutshell, right here. This borders on self-parody.
"You think this prank is fucking harmless?"
This is obviously a riff on the "penis inspection" prank that's been circulating around california high schools for a while. This is boorish and student, but that's teenage boys for you. Jezebel seriously needs to dial back the hyperbole when it comes to something like this.
But it's impossible to ever know if you're raping someone or not.
Wow, what an entitled asshole you are. If someone does anything that makes you uncomfortable, you assume the right to demand that everyone you know disassociate from said person? I'd like to know what this "harassment" actually entailed. It could be seriously inappropriate behavior, or it could be totally harmless…
Is choosing the alleged harasser over the "victim" not a choice?
That's unfair. Imagine you have two very close friends and suddenly one of them asks you to stop hanging out with the other. It's a pretty unfair situation to put someone in.
Really? What exactly DID he do to her? "Harassment" is an incredibly broad, vague, and subjective term. Did he grope her? Did he make inappropriate comments to her? How inappropriate? How often? Was it predatory behavior or was he honestly just trying to flirt with her?
"Harassment" is an incredibly broad, vague, and largely subjective term. In my opinion, whether or not they should remain friends with him depends on exactly what he did.
How do you know that she was non-consenting?
This has nothing to do with culture, you idiot. This was the work of a crazy person. How many girls are murdered every year for turning someone down for prom? 2?
This is such a freak occurrence that trying to draw "lessons" from it is downright ridiculous. How many women are murdered every year for turning down an invitation to prom? Maybe 3-4?